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YMMV / War for the Overworld

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  • Difficulty Spike: Heart Attack. Up to this point, you could effectively take your time for the most part, at worst dealing with an occasional band of mid-level dwarves, nothing your army of minions couldn't handle. Then comes this one, where you have to defend not only yourself, but another Underlord as well, from no less than 150 Heroes! And they take every possible route, so if you don't have defenses literally everywhere, prepare to be overwhelmed by their sheer numbers. And you get no breaks either, they all come one after the other, so taking some minions out to, say, convert enemies to your side is effectively a suicide attempt.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Seeing your minions enthuastically cheer while spectacting fights in your Arena. It really does make it look like your minions under your payroll aren't just mindless pawns, but a tight-knit community of evil-doers.
    • In a way, Rhaskos being so accepting of his demise during the base defense segment of Heart Attack, and beginning to learn of the apparent cycle of Underlords and Overseers through resurging memories.
  • Most Wonderful Sound:
    • A Succubus making an aroused sound after getting slapped with your Hand of Evil. The same goes for when you utilize the Posession spell on a Succubus.
    • The screams of prisoners being tortured.
    • Units leveling up with a brief sound of celebratory fireworks going off.
    • The Micro-piglet oven/cannon shooting out freshly cooked bacon onto dinner plates in the Tavern room.
  • Serial Numbers Filed Off: The game sells itself as being a new IP based on Dungeon Keeper. That happens to have the original narrator and over a third of the interface is identical. Oh, and it has the same actual name as the intended subtitle to the cancelled Dungeon Keeper III.
    • Admittedly, it WAS developed as a free fan sequel to Dungeon Keeper until the development team got worried about the licensing status of the franchise.
