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YMMV / Vicious

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  • Critical Dissonance: Critics had a mixed to negative reaction to the pilot and the Black Comedy Rape jokes directed at Violet did not go over well with anyone, but following episodes have been received better and most of the viewers enjoyed the show.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: McKellen and Jacobi each had a crush on the other while they were classmates at Cambridge, though neither of them admitted it at the time. The series has them playing a married couple.
    • Stuart and Freddie arguing about the latter's bit-part in Doctor Who is ironic considering Derek Jacobi's cameo in Utopia would later evolve into Big Finish's War Master.
  • Moment of Awesome:
    • Stuart gets one when Ash's girlfriend insults them:
    I'll have you know that Freddie Thornhill has worked on the stage, screen and television for over 50 years. He has had an extraordinary career. So what if he has hit a bit of a dry spell? He is by no means washed up and never will be. So do not presume to tell us anything about our lives, young lady. We will not be talked down to in our own home. We are accomplished men. Quite capable of anything.
