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YMMV / The Will of the Empire

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  • Magnificent Bastard: Darth Vader experiences a premonition of his fate at the Battle of Endor and resolves to make his death mean something. Transferring his most trusted officer Admiral Piett to another Star Destroyer to increase his chances of survival, Vader develops a contingency plan for the Empire to survive without the Sith. Mortally wounded after killing Emperor Palpatine to save his son Luke, Vader declares himself Emperor and establishes that Luke shall succeed him, then broadcasts his last moments to Piett's ship as confirmation of his orders before dying peacefully in Luke's arms. Vader's plan, drawing together disparate parties all over the Empire, results in the deaths of thousands of the worst the Empire has to offer, leaving Luke with few challengers to take the throne. Vader also attempts to atone for the Empire's mistreatment of the Noghri by revealing the Empire's indifference to their plight and giving them a chance to save their planet by banking on his children's characters, while serving as a Spirit Advisor to Luke about who he can trust amongst the Empire and how to beat Force-wielding assassins.
  • Unexpected Character: After the two-year hiatus, the author opens Chapter 14 with Din Djarin and Greef Karga, as the latter offers the former one of Vader's bounties.
