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YMMV / The Nixonverse Retold

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • Does Everett genuinely care about the Last Son and his arrest or is that concern born from the fact that he's implied to be the D-Day Knight and therefore worried about how the military sees people like him? D-DAY AND NIGHT confirms that its the former, given Everett's genuine friendship with the Last Son.
    • In a more comedic than genuine way, if you use your imagination really hard, the fact that the Last Son of Alcatraz's speech to Chris Arnoldson is just recontextualized lines from Rebel Without a Cause makes it seem as if James Dean is just rehearsing his old lines instead of taking the trial seriously.
  • Funny Moments: Just like it's source material, this series has no shame on embracing it's silly side from time to time.
    • Our introduction to the Rockefeller Corporation is not through showing us their heinous acts first hand, but through a seemingly innocent and charming animated presentation on elaborate plans on how to kill the Last Son with calm jazzy music on the background and a rather enthusiastic narrator.
    • In this very same presentation, we are introduced to Alcatrazonite and how entering in contact with an unstable sample of it may lead to several effects on the body and mind. Among one of the examples, there's one that is described as "tasting like chocolate, kinda."
    • In D-DAY AND KNIGHT, reviews for Everett's book include that of Alice Avenue, the book's very own artist, who rates it 5 stars and tries to clear up that she didn't just give it that rating because she worked on the book.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Despite being made midway through the production of the source material, the series has accuratedly predicted some things. An example of this is The D-Day Knight's motif of "Day and Night" or "Night and Day" was presented here before it's usage in D-DAY KNIGHTFALL
  • Memetic Mutation: Due to the creator's nickname as "Howard Hamlin," several comments in ALL-STAR ALCATRAZEAN are just random names of Better Call Saul characters.
  • The Woobie:
    • James Dean was the former president of the United States in the Deanverse, who managed to survive the Great Division. Rechristening himself as The Last Son Of Alcatraz, he intervenes in various American wars to save people and bring peace. One particular incident where he attempts to save a poor child results in him being hit by several high potency nukes simultaneously and captured by the US Army to stand trial. Imprisoned for more than a decade, the Last Son is brainwashed by the Rockefeller Corporation into becoming "Jesus."
    • Everett Morlin pre-D-DAY AND KNIGHT easily classifies as well. Never having the chance of meeting his biological parents since his birth, Everett was stuck in Wonderland for most of his childhood and therefore forced to learn to survive to the constant hostile enviroment of this Eldritch Location at an early age. Once he finally gets a chance to meet his mother, albeit as her child self, he promises to always protect her, only for her to be ripped away from him by the Special Trees and leaving him scarred for life. Even after saving countless lives in D-DAY and many other ocassions, Everett was unable to forgive himself for decades. Eventually, he's given a second chance once an alternate version of Virginia and her friends appear at Rockefeller Center, finally being able to fulfill his promise.
