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YMMV / The Music Freaks

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  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Most ship names for the series fall under this category. A few of the most well-known examples include: Drake (Jake and Drew), Jailey (Jake and Hailey), Lander (Luke and Zander), Jaisy (Jake and Daisy), Jean (Jake and Sean), Saisy/Dadie (Sadie and Daisy), Dean (Sean and Daisy), Milliot (Millie and Elliot).
  • Idiosyncratic Ship Naming: While it isn't used as much as the portmanteau names, there are very cute ones made! For example: Peach-Beats (Jake and Sean).
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Jake himself seems to be shipped with everyone in the series.
  • Obscure Popularity It has a pretty large fanbase and each episode gets millions of views, though not a lot of people outside of the Gacha community know about it, most likely due to the infamous reputation of Gacha Life.
  • Ships That Pass in the Night: One of Daisy’s most popular ships is with Elliot, but the two have never met in cannon.
