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YMMV / The Last of the Baskets

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  • Retroactive Recognition:
    • Clifford Basket is played by Ken Jones, who would later be best known for playing Horrible Ives in Porridge.
    • The 12th Earl of Clogborough from "End of the Peer" and Rupert Fitzbasket from "A Chip Off the Old Block" are played by Richard Hurndall, who would later be best known for playing the First Doctor in the Doctor Who anniversary special, "The Five Doctors".
    • A crematorium attendant from "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" is played by Jonathan Adams, who would later be best known for playing Dr. Scott in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
    • Mr. Snodgrass from "For Richer, for Poorer" is played by Nigel Hawthorne, who would later be best known for playing Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes, Minister.
    • A taxi driver from "A Chip Off the Old Block" is played by David Jackson, who would later be best known for playing Olag Gan in Blake's 7.
