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YMMV / The Flash (2014) S2E18 "Versus Zoom"

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: We watch Barry go through a portal and come out of another during his test run. If you've seen the Worlds Finest episode of Supergirl, you know that this is the point Barry crosses over into said world. If you haven't you'll probably just be left confused as to why Barry portal hopped especially since, apart from a brief sentence, it is never brought up again throughout the remainder of the episode.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Given Wally's part in canon, the phrasing of Zoom's demand "Your speed for Wally" can double as foreshadowing.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Barry loses his speed at the end of the episode, but everyone knows it will only be temporary, especially since he was seen using it in the flashfoward at the beginning of Arrow's current season, which is implied to take place not long after this episode.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Good god, where to start with this episode?
    • In the opening flashback, Hunter's mother is killed right before his eyes... by his father, no less.
    • Zoom is such a psychotic maniac that he became Earth-2's Flash to inspire hope just so he could rip it away.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!:
    • In the comics, Hunter Zolomon was a villain, albeit a tragic one who deluded himself into thinking he could make Wally West a better hero by making him experience tragedy. Here, he's a straight-up monster, and there's really nothing to distinguish him from Eobard Thawne aside from being even more evil. Of course, it's entirely possible that Earth-1 Hunter will follow an arc closer to his comic counterpart.
    • Jay Garrick, the very first Flash, is one of the oldest superheroes in the history of comics; while not an A-lister, he's still an Ensemble Dark Horse and a valued mentor to many heroes. Here, he was never a hero at all, if he even existed in the first place.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The Supergirl crossover event finally happens from Barry's perspective, and instead of dedicating at least a part of the episode to it, it's a very brief scene near the opening that you wouldn't be able to tell if you hadn't seen said episode. Especially frustrating as Barry doesn't even mention the fact that he jumped into another dimension or the fact that he met an alien.
