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YMMV / The Dragon and the Butterfly

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  • Crosses the Line Twice: Valentina's Hilariously Abusive Childhood tends to do this whenever it's brought up. From how her teachers would routinely assault one another over debts, to her mom locking her out of the house being how she learned how to camp, to her mom stabbing her as a birthday gift. Her cavalier, almost nostalgic attitude towards it certainly helps.
  • Les Yay: Isabela and Arnapkapfaaluk's rivalry has elements of Foe Yay Shipping, with Arnapkapfaaluk's obsession with settling things with Isabela (whose canon-counterpart has a sizable queer following) having an undercurrent of sexual tension to it. While their relationship doesn't really grow beyond an uneasy acquaintanceship, Arny gives Hiccup carvings to him, Mirabel and Isabela as gifts, the first two as wedding gifts and the last as an apology.
  • Moment of Awesome: While the Hooligans find Mirabel's cleverness to be unimpressive compared to her sister's (and Camilo's) gifts, she immediately becomes their new favorite when she managed to save all of the sheep by storing them in the armory and fending off a Zippleback trying to get to them. This is especially impressive because the tribe have not managed to keep all of their sheep from raiding dragons in fifty years.
  • Tear Jerker: After Hiccup realizes that he has a crush on Mirabel, he suffers an internal crisis over these feelings, the voices of the people he knew back in Berk smothering his confidence and convincing him that all he could accomplish is ruining things for Mirabel. When she tries confessing her feelings towards him, he rejects her and flies off to the nearest mountain to be alone, both of them heartbroken. It takes Toothless running back and explaining the situation (with Antonio as translator) to keep this misunderstanding from overstaying its welcome.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: While it's addressed that an invasion from a Viking Warlord could be a serious problem should the Encanto's magic become public knowledge to the Barbaric Archipelago, this idea is never actually tested in the story. The idea of invaders being brought to the Encanto by accident is proven to be possible — as was the case with Eret, Arny and the Screaming Death — but many of the human antagonists in the franchise (Dagur, Alvin, Mildew, the Grimborns, Drago, his Warlords and Grimmel) are completely omitted from the story all together in favor of more Slice of Life drama with Fantasy elements.
  • The Woobie: Hiccup had it way worse in this version than he did in canon. He suffers from psychological trauma of being treated like a curse to Berk, taking the form of an abject fear of ruining life in the Encanto for everyone. It gets so bad that when he and Mirabel realize they have a mutual crush on each other, he tries pushing her away out of the belief that he doesn't deserve to be happy and that he would just drag her down to his level.
