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YMMV / Terminator Future Shock

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Future Shock and Skynet feature a character named Kathryn Parker, who serves as John Connor's second-in-command in the Resistance. Terminator 3, which was released eight years later, introduces the character of Katherine Brewster, who becomes John Connor's second-in-command and wife. The character in Terminator 3 even kind of looks like the character in Skynet, other than their hair color.
  • Obvious Judas: Captain Bishop is weaselly-looking and constantly cynical and pessimistic about every single thing the Resistance does. So it's not exactly a huge surprise when he tries to defect to Skynet. This also qualifies as Too Dumb to Live, as Skynet pretty clearly has no use for human allies.
  • No Problem with Licensed Games: Future Shock and Skynet were considered some of the best games in the franchise, which has otherwise suffered quite a lot from The Problem with Licensed Games.
  • Win Back the Crowd: The previous Terminator PC game, Terminator: Rampage (also developed by Bethesda), was terribly received, being a clunky, Nintendo Hard grid-based First-Person Shooter (think Wolfenstein 3-D) coming out at the same time that Doom was released. Future Shock was a dramatic improvement as well as extremely innovative in many ways.
