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YMMV / Supervillain in The DCU CK2 Quest

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  • Adorkable: Barbara Gordon arguably qualifies as this to some extent. Cassandra used to be this although she has mostly matured past that phase. That being said it does crop up every now and again like with her “best friend contract” with Jinx.
  • Alternate Aesop Interpretation: An odd example but Meena Dhawan briefly mentioned that the song “The Wheels on the Bus” is a disturbing look at capitalism which is radically different from how most people interpret the meaning of the song
  • Archive Panic: As of writing the quest has over 600 thousand words and 225 threadmarks in the main section. When one includes various sidestories, informational and apocryphal posts and more then the amount of material involved balloons even further beyond that amount.
  • Awesome Ego: Lex Luthor full stop. The man is an egomaniac but the most entertaining thing about him is that almost all the time he can back up his claims to at least some degree
  • Can't Un-Hear It: King Crimson has jokingly mentioned that he considers Clancy Brown to be the “official voice” of Lex Luthor in quest
