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YMMV / Project Downfall

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  • Breather Level: "Man of Faith" is a short and straightforward pair of shootouts against basic mooks, after the insane Boss Battle against the Svoloch super-enforcer on the roof of their casino headquarters in "Less Than Zero", and just before the nearly as insane courtyard fight of "Small Time", the game's Point of No Return.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Given that the protagonist is based on John Wick:
    • Keanu Reeves portrayed a drug addict in A Scanner Darkly and the protagonist of Project Downfall uses pills that give him super strength and reflexes.
    • Fortnite had a skin named The Reaper which looks a lot like John Wick released before Project Downfall came out.
  • Nintendo Hard: As expected of something that traces its inspiration to Hotline Miami. Except to die a lot.
  • That One Puzzle: While the game is straightforward and can be completed without having to think too much, you do have to jump through a lot of hoops if you want to get to certain areas or collect certain items (like currency or key items for some routes). For instance, in the level "Boyz B Boyz", you can find a safe, but you can't open it right away because you need a code to do so. You get the code by going to a level you have to open by first collecting a key item in another level (which can only be accessed if you speak with a certain NPC in a stage you played previously). Once you get the code, you need to replay the "Boyz B Boyz" and put in the code in the safe to open it. Your reward for going back and forth through various levels? A single coin.
