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YMMV / Pinball, 1973

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  • Cargo Ship: The narrator has hints of this with the Spaceship once he tracks down the last machine. The conversation he imagines reads like Amicable Exes visiting each other.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The fate of the well digger, who lived near the train station in Naoko's hometown. He was killed by a train, and the police had to use five buckets to retrieve the thousands of pieces of his remains. Another bucket's worth was swept away by the river, and the police has to use poles to keep wild dogs from scavenging the scene.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The readers' general consensus. This novel introduces a lot of Murakami's standard themes, but doesn't delve as deeply into them as his other works. It lacks the stronger characters, length, and overt surrealism as well. Given that English translations were extremely rare until August 2015, Western readers will probably forget that, chronologically, this is only Murakami's second novel. It was written when he was still developing his craft, and it shows.
