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YMMV / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S1E19 Green With Evil Part 3: The Rescue

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  • Badass Decay: Downplayed in comparison to future appearances, but Goldar went from being able to fight multiple rangers at once, to having a hard time with an unmorphed Jason.
  • Franchise Original Sin: Despite being far from the complete joke he became, Goldar getting hit by an unmorphed Ranger is where his Badass Decay would begin.
  • Narm: Scorpina seems to have the upper hand while fighting the rangers, then it cuts to Rita applying makeup before Goldar and Scorpina come into the room arguing over how Scorpina apparently lost her fight with the rangers. We're never given any explanation as to how she lost and it's obvious Saban just cut the rest of the fight for time. note 
