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YMMV / Maximo: Ghosts to Glory

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  • Anti-Climax Boss: The Demon Queen despite the awesome atmosphere for the fight, is much easier than the fight with Achille. The boss infrequently attacks you and when she does the room always lights up essentially telegraphing it, and you get more than enough time Attack Its Weak Point, which prevents the attack from going off.
  • Awesome Art: Susumu Matsushita's cool Western Animation inspired art style really shows in this game.
  • Awesome Music: It was composed by Tommy Tallarico, so it's to be expected.
  • Best Boss Ever: The final battle against the Demon Queen. It's pitch black, with only the occasional lightning illuminating the room. Sometimes, when it cracks, she appears right next to you! It's pulse pounding, terrifying, and amazing for a final battle.
  • Camera Screw: There is no way to manually control the camera, leading to some Fake Difficulty.
  • Complete Monster: Evil King Achille was originally King Maximo's trusted advisor, but betrayed him in his quest of power. He usurps the throne and forces Maximo's betrothed Sophia to marry him, and raises the dead for his army. He then traps human souls in collectors that are transmitted to him. When Maximo returns, Achille promptly kills him. He also has a general tortured to death for failure and murders the witch Sephonie. Returning as a ghost under the guise of Lord Bane, he takes over the titular army of murderous robots, powers them with stolen souls from the Underworld and sends them all over the land where they target lots of innocent bystanders-over 80 in all. The Zin later attempt to destroy a village and invade the land of Hawkmoor. Lord Bane forces the gearmaster Tinker to create a more powerful model of Zin, then plots to have her killed by her own creations. Stopped by Maximo as he was about to kill the Baron Hawkmoor and his wife, Achille murders Tinker in a last act of cruelty.
  • Demonic Spiders: Skeleton bombardiers. The timed bombs they throw are easy to avoid after they land, but knock off large chunks of your health bar and can explode on contact — You'll often encounter bombardiers working in tandem with fodder enemies that will distract you long enough for them to get a hit in, and towards the end of the game they start appearing in groups themselves. You can't directly attack them, as their Ammunition Backpack will detonate and deal damagenote : You need to crouch and slash out their legs, whereupon they'll self-destruct with a bigger explosion than normal. Unfortunately, the sound effect of the defeat explosions and the actual blast aren't quite in synch, so its easy to misjudge your approach and end up losing a large amount of health anyways.
  • Funny Moments:
    • Maximo's meeting with Grim. After just being killed by Achille, Maximo is floating in a void where Grim greets him by saying "Boo," to which Maximo isn't phased. When Grim tries to cut a deal, Maximo asks how can he trust him. Grim responds "How can you not trust this face?" in the most childish way possible.
    • The ending after Grim explains that the Demon Queen wasn't Sophia, Maximo then tells Grim that he will help Maximo find the real Sophia. Grim is not happy with the arrangement, but Maximo points that Grim said he owed Maximo, so Grim agrees.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The sound when you pick up armor.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The final boss is definitely this, especially if you have a fear of the dark.
    • The game over screen. You see Grim, and if you don't have any continues or Coins to pay him, he brings his scythe down on you while letting out a surprisingly chilling Evil Laugh that continues after the the screen fades. It's especially creepy given how comical Grim is normally.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The fact that you have to pay 100 coins to save is one of the more criticized aspects of the game. It's no surprise that this was dropped from the sequel.
  • Spiritual Successor: To the Ghosts 'n Goblins series, and it shows. Plus, the main theme of the series is partially included in many of the game's musics, and Maximo even hums the tune that plays when a level is about to start during his Idle Animation.
  • That One Boss: As mentioned on the main article, many bosses have Guide Dang It! moments that will annoy some players. Bokor Labas is pretty straightforward, but for some of the others...
    • Ghastly Gus can be easily dealt with using the shield throw, but if you don't have it, you are required to downward strike his foot when it's vulnerable.
    • Captain Cadaver can easily be knocked into the grates, but to damage him, you have to duck and slash his peg-leg.
    • Achille, despite being a little more straightforward than the others, has some annoying attacks, including a move where he can turn into a monster while healing himself, and another where he puts up a shield that can only be dealt with using a certain powerup. Don't have that powerup? Sorry, you'll just have to dodge. Fortunately, he becomes a pushover once his staff breaks and he uses it like a spear. You can get in his face and lock into a Cycle of Hurting without getting hit even once.
