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YMMV / Martian Gothic Unification

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  • Camera Screw: When you're in the room with the TriMorph guarding the spectrometer, there is a door in the middle of the room that you have to get through in order to reach safety. When you attempt to go there, the TriMorph will lunge toward you. The camera angles change quite radically two times during the process of getting past the door, which will likely cause you to get killed by said TriMorph.
  • Narm: Kenzo's completely flat, monotone, lifeless voice acting. The game's writer claimed this was a deliberate stylistic choice to make the character seem "Zen", but since it never meaningfully impacts either the plot or Kenzo's characterization in any way, this comes off merely as a face-saving excuse for why he sounds like they just roped in the guy who delivered their sandwiches and forced him to read lines.
  • Scrappy Mechanic:
    • Kicking can only be used against the small enemies and is completely useless against Zombies, leaving your only "Melee" Option being that it's possible to sometimes throw off a zombie that's grabbed you before it can bite you for zero damage.
    • Enemies reviving, if only because it's hard to leave your characters in safe spots since the warning to switch to them will only occur when they're taking damage, (And you often have to leave characters in logically dangerous spots that the zombies simply turn back instead of chasing you, such as far enough down a hallway where a zombie still has line of sight.) in addition, it seems enemies revive faster if you're in the room. (And there's no way to keep them down for good.)
    • Unlike Resident Evil, (Where Zombies go into a lunge animation that can be dodge) Zombies in Martian Gothic essentially hit-scan grab you the instant you're in range, so it's impossible to avoid their grabs outside of staying completely out of their range, easier said than done in the cramped hallways that more often than not do not give enough room for this.
