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YMMV / Mario & Luigi: The Mask

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  • Adorkable
    • Luigi is this due to his shy and sweet personality which get Princess Daisy and her masked alter ego attracted to him because of it.
    • Green Thunder is also this as well due to his breaking the fourth wall along with making pop culture references and that he is cheerful and polite towards his friends like Toadrick and other people as well.
  • Creepy Cute: Masked Daisy is seductive and creepy as she goes after Luigi which gets him scared of her but she is nice and polite towards him which gets him to see that along with being a heroic and brave woman as well as she faces a dragon that is destroying the Mushroom Kingdom and attacking the people there as well.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Green Thunder despite his genuine troublemaking nature does care very much about the people in the Mushroom Kingdom so he protects and saves them from the threats.
    • Toadrick is one of the few toads who respects Luigi very much and is one of the few friends that he has which also makes him the only friend that Green Thunder has because of him being a Nice Guy towards him and Luigi.
    • Green Thunder shows that just like Luigi, he cares about and loves his brother Mario as well since he questioned Toadlop on where he is even though he did not get the answer he needed.
  • Moe:
    • Green Thunder is adorable as he cares about his friends, being polite and friendly to people who are nice to him like Toadrick who is his best friend and with Princess Daisy which like Luigi is in love with her very much but does respect her private boundaries like a gentleman which makes him even more cute.
    • Masked Yoshi in his final form is adorable and cute despite his moment of going all scary but other than that he is so very cute that the others like Luigi and Kylie could not help but going aww at the sight of him.
