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YMMV / Loser Reborn

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  • Les Yay: Implied by the cover art where the Loser Protagonist is a girl enjoying affection of other girls. Considering you can choose the protag's gender this option is very real.
  • Nintendo Hard: Even on the easiest difficulty, the enemies will take advantage of buffs and elemental attacks in the same way as the player, allowing them to KO party members easily. Worse yet, the game's inn functionality can only be used once per playthrough and there's only one revival consumable, meaning you can only get away with two KOs. Items and gold are scarce and random encounters disappear after defeating the boss of their floor, making it hard to afford equipment upgrades.
  • That One Attack: Greater Shock hits all three of your party members twice, making it a very hard-hitting move that is practically guaranteed to KO at least one party member if used twice in rapid succession. This is especially true with the raining field effect.
