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YMMV / Kitchen Nightmares S7 E1 "Return to Amy's Baking Company"

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  • Funny Moments:
    • It's funny to listen to Amy's reasoning why there are absolutely no other men aside from Samy working at the restaurant in the Bonus Footage, telling Gordon that male chefs have incredibly large egos. Considering who it's coming from, and who she's saying it to...
    • In the interviews, Amy claims the way to save the restaurant is to make clones of her and Samy (the same thing they said to Gordon back in their first meeting), to which Katy says Amy's clones would kill each other.
      Amy: If this business were to be successful, in my opinion, you need to clone me three times. Clone Samy three times, clone me three times, and it'll be perfect.
      Katy: All the Amy clones will just start to, like, kill off each other. They just get so sick of each other, like, one thing another Amy said, like, you can't mix two Amy's!
  • Moment of Awesome: Miranda reveals that Amy and Samy fired her, begged her to come back, and then called her a thief and fired her again after taking a $5 tip that had been left for her — which was rightfully hers, as opposed to the owners actually illegally stealing all the waiting staff's tips for themselves. Furious with their blatant hypocrisy, she threw the money in Samy's face, told both him and Amy to go to hell, and quit on the spot.
