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YMMV / King Star King

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  • Awesome Art: The vibrantly detailed backgrounds, creative environments, and fluid animation are highlights of the show.
  • Bile Fascination: Probably the reason some people even watch the show is to see just how bad it is.
  • Fetish Retardant: Every female character has large breasts but the artstyle holds them back from being titilating.
  • Nausea Fuel: The disturbing and overly exaggerated character designs, the animation that can sometimes get a little too fluid, the graphic depiction of bodily functions, and the general epilepsy-inducing imagery can make the show hard to sit through if you’re squeamish.
  • Shock Fatigue: A common criticism of the show is that it tries way too hard to be disgusting with its Deranged Animation, general surreal content, and graphic depictions of bodily fluids.
