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YMMV / Jet Set Willy

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  • Fridge Logic: If Maria is the housekeeper, shouldn't she be the one doing the tidying up?
    • The plot is that ordinarily she would, but the party left the place in such a state that she went on strike.
    • Of course, this doesn't explain why Willy doesn't just say "You're fired, now get out of the way so I can get some sleep."
  • Nintendo Hard: Hacks of the game are so hard you have to exploit Good Bad Bugs to complete them. Even though Jet Set Willy 2 is completable, it is still a very hard game, requiring pixel-perfect jumping, and you only have eight lives (no extra lives in this game).
  • Nightmare Fuel: That big green face with the star on its forehead on the "The Chapel" & "Priest's Hole" screens.
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike: It's even harder than Manic Miner, as it adds complexity by introducing free-roaming and the screens are no longer isolated, self-contained levels to be completed linearly one by one.
  • That One Level: The words "The Banyan Tree" strike fear in the hearts of old-time gamers to this day. "The Nightmare Room" (just to the east of "The Banyan Tree") also gave players the Willies. The worst part is that there is absolutely no reason to traverse "Banyan Tree". The left hand side goes nowhere, climbing the right side isn't an issue in the bug-fixed version, and you can just go the long way round if you're desperate to get there.
