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YMMV / Gormiti: The Lords of Nature Return!

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the Neorganic toys is an Old Sage figurine that changes color depending on the temperature of the water it's put in. In hot water, it's its show colors, while in cold temperature, the cloak becomes black with red ornaments, making Old Sage more reminiscent of a fire or darkness being than a light being. Considering his role in Gormiti: Nature Unleashed, it makes one wonder if he and Magor being related wasn't already a scrapped plot... In a more lighthearted way, the black and red cloak became the Old Sage's default appearance in the 2022 Gormiti Legends shorts.
  • Ho Yay: While they already had some moments in the original comics and shorts, Obscurio and Luminos' deal seems even more obvious in this show. Obscurio outright berates his soldiers for attacking Luminos because he wants to be the one fighting him, while Luminos only ever gets cocky and arrogant when fighting against Obscurio, as if he's equally enjoying their quarrels. Magazines released in France at the time even have Luminos reveal in an "interview" that he doesn't actually hate Obscurio at all.
    • Obscurio also seems to be caught into a Love Triangle subtext between him, Magmion and Armageddon. The latter two keep battling to be in his good graces and constantly argue trying to one-up one another. He's practically the Archie to Magmion's Betty and Armageddon's Veronica. Side material says he tends to favor Magmion but only a bit after he freed him, as he otherwise doesn't care for his henchmen at all.
    • With Toby and Jessica usually shipped together, it's not unheard of to see Nick and Lucas paired together. Nick's initial bio in the magazines even adds that he would spend his entire time buried in books if it wasn't for Lucas (specifically, with no mention of Jessica or Toby aside of the latter's fooling around) taking him out to go on adventures. Most notably, this shot of Nick saving Lucas from a bad fall during "Beastly" out of context carries nearly as much subtext as Obscurio doing the same to Luminos in the pre-cartoon events.
  • Lost in Medias Res: The show begins with everything being already settled up, without any kind of explanations about what Gormiti are, why the four main characters were chosen to become the new lords and many other things. To get a whole picture is necessary to know the story of the Gormiti toylines that came before the cartoon, with the comic book adaptation also including a straight prequel that tells Razzle's story.
  • Nightmare Fuel: What the Winds of Darkness can do to you is... quite unsettling: the victim's eyes go blank and their pupils are substituted with live flames, which obstruct their vision more and more, until their eyes are simply glowing embers. It's... disquieting to see.
  • No Yay: A book adaptation published in France by "La Bibliothèque verte" has the episodes shortened and narrated by Razzle. Noticeably, he states that he has feelings for Jessica. Given the huge age gap between a sapient talking lizard from pre-historic times and an underage middle-schooler, it's no surprise his status as The Scrappy ends up reinforced.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Fiery Angel in Season 1. Despite being promoted in the toyline for the show as if he was an important character, he appears for one split second in one episode and that's it.
    • Incubion and Oneiron in Season 2, for a single episode. They do cameo in the season 2 finale to help Obscurio against Luminos and the Lords of Nature, but that's about it.
  • Out of Order: While most of the episodes are autoconclusive, towards the end of Season 1 there is a two-parter episode that was blantantly made to be the season finale, with the Supreme Luminescent coming back on Gorm and ending with Obscurio being summoned, setting up Season 2... except that for some reason there is still an episode that obviously was supposed to air before the two-parter since, along the reasons mentioned above, the episode features the debut of the Ancient Guardian of Air Fenision, which also appeared in the two-parter with no big fanfare.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks!: People who grew up enjoying Code Lyoko might have a few things to say about this show's similarities to it (a group of kids fight in another world able to affect Earth, where they take more powerful forms with superhuman abilities and one of them must stay behind to control things through a computer terminal).
