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YMMV / For You, I Will

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  • Complete Monster: Melanie Sampson is a textbook sociopath, whose only joy comes in the suffering of others. She regularly emotionally abuses Embry, who is nothing but kind and devoted to her. She then begins cutting him with a knife during sex, but can't enjoy it because he heals up, leaving no scars. Soon, she goes on a killing spree, forcing Embry to be her accomplice, since the imprint means he'll do anything she says if it'd make her happy. She also orders him to rape at least two of their victims. When the rest of Embry's pack finally finds out what's happening, they're at a loss, since they know they have to put an end to Melanie's reign of terror, but they also know killing Melanie would destroy Embry. Finally, they attempt to offer a compromise, saying they'll leave Melanie be if she restricts herself to killing criminals. Melanie repays them by telling Embry the pack is endangering her, and convincing him to murder them all.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Melanie skips over the line the first time she sexually abuses Embry, taking advantage of the fact that he can't fight back, and just keeps right on going from there.
  • Squick: Melanie forcing Embry to rape a woman they kill? Disgusting and horrific. Melanie asking him to do it to a second woman, while he's in wolf form? Readers, feel free to throw up now.
