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YMMV / Enchanter

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  • Nintendo Hard: Enchanter was pretty modest by Infocom standards. Sorcerer was quite a bit harder, particularly the mind-bending coal mine puzzle. Holy Christ on a neon surfboard was Spellbreaker difficult! Considered one of the hardest games Infocom ever made, people actually criticised it for supposedly being unreasonably frustrating in an attempt to boost sales of the hint book, and it significantly negatively impacted the game's popularity.
  • Polished Port: The PC-98 port, although a text adventure game, is a big improvement over all the other ports, in which it adds the recognition of verb commands typed in kana or the Latin alphabet; the access of such verb commands by pressing corresponding buttons (the player still has to type the name of an object, though); the display of a list of objects in the environment after the player has typed in a command; and the addition of enhanced graphics and artistic background pictures in every location on which the text is super-imposed. Compare the screenshots of the ports of the original to the screenshots of its enhanced PC-98 remake. Sadly it has never been translated.
