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YMMV / Drunk Fortress

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  • Accidental Innuendo: It happens.
    Shoruke: "You like axolotl leather, holy gods that's a bitch to spell, so now you're a leather person. I mean a leather worker person."
  • Archive Binge: 291 pages as of 2016-03-19.
  • One True Pairing: The Dwarves are nicknamed after the players in the thread, typically without regard for things like gender or expected lifespan. Dwarves also marry and have children. Jokes were inevitable.
    Random_Dragon: Kamin and Shoruke, OTP.
    Shoruke: ...Eh, I could do worse. (/me leaves the internet forever before terrible ShorKamin hentaifics become a thing)
  • Squick: Dwarf Fortress is not friendly to the squeamish at the best of times, but when poorly managed, it gets even worse. There have been clouds of instantaneous gangrene, several hallways covered in puke, many visceral fights, etc.
    Scruffy: You put a corpse stockpile in the library?
    Bogwedgle: Did you notice that the vomit monster was bitten to death?
