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Tropes that apply to the Visual Kei band

  • Awesome Music: Plenty of them. Some of the best include "7th Rose", and "Dying Message"
  • Narm: Despite Asagi's awesome vocal and visual skills, his performance skills are really awful at best, resulting in his horrendously choreographed, disjointed and forced pseudo-dancing, which has gained some notoriety among visual metal fans. Seriously, watch the PVs for "7th Rose" and "Der Konig der Dunkelheit", and try not to laugh while dancing along.
  • Signature Song: "Night-ship 'D'".

Tropes that apply to the game

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Was Richter telling Laura to leave a case of Poor Communication Kills that has the opposite effect, or a reverse psychology gambit to lead her to the end through her insatiable drive to find the truth, him even letting her find an item that will help her complete her mission.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment:
    • In the original D, failing to reach the ending in two hours leads to Laura falling into her pocketwatch and a simple message to "Try Again". According to the manual, this is meant to represent the mental dimension collapsing and Laura being dumped back into the real world, but that isn't communicated very well at all...
    • Not being able to go back the way she came, the game also doesn't make it seem like Laura has any choice but to press on despite her father's apparition consistently appealing to her to "Leave before it's too late". Maybe that is the way to leave.
    • Strangely enough, almost the entire initial premise of Laura going to her father's hospital to defuse a hostage situation is completely dropped as soon as the player gets whisked away to the castle at the very start of the game (the player only returns to the hospital in the last few minutes of the game). The set-up could've been changed to Laura having to go to her father's spooky castle or something similar and literally nothing would've changed.
  • Narm:
    • Some misplaced or just plain goofy sound effects, along with bad voice acting that makes the first Resident Evil voice acting sounds like Oscar nominee for best voice acting, makes some parts ridiculous.
    • The voice acting for Laura's father in D isn't very good. However, to be fair, the actor did a much better job screaming in a disturbing manner than acting out the regular dialog, such as in the scene where he begins to transform.
  • Nightmare Retardant:
    • In the first game, if you get the good ending, you see a rather touching screen, then are shocked right out of it by the credits which feature a rock song and pictures of the development team.
    • The Indy Escape / Boulder Chase can come across as cheesy due to Laura's static animation and uninterested facial expression. It's like she's hovering down a spiral staircase rather than actually hitting the steps.
    • The big reveal, where we find out what "D" stands for. It comes completely out of left field and somehow manages to be predictable at same time, not to mention more than a little bit silly, depending on your preferences. If you also found all the hidden scarab beetles, then the reveal can hit harder as we learn that Laura Stabbed her mother to death during a meal, and ate from her severed arm.
  • Padding: In an attempt to ensure that the player feels pressured by the time limit, several puzzles include elements blatantly meant to waste time, such as the Wheel.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Both the gameplay and the save feature:
    • The two-hour time limit and vague hints of where and what to do in "D"… and there is no save feature. You have to play the entire two hours in one sitting, with no pausing.
  • Shocking Moments: The big reveal that the Harris family is cursed by the blood of Dracula may seem cliche depending on the player's tastes, or it can be a genuinely chilling reveal in light of the flashback where Laura is dining with her mother and suddenly gets up to stab the latter to death and start eating her flesh. The idea that one could be a normal, loving person one moment and then spontaneously start lusting for human blood and flesh can be unsettling.
  • That One Puzzle: The aforementioned wheel puzzle. You're in a circular room rotated by a wheel mechanism with no indication if you've stopped at a place to exit or a dead-end wall before you turn around to check. It's not difficult to map out on a sheet of paper, but it might make you wish that you can directly access each destination without having to rotate a room to where you want to be.
  • Vindicated by History: When D was first released, it gained a fair bit of attention for its impressive graphics and controversial content, but just a few years later (especially as the more superior first Resident Evil come out, among other adventure or horror games that aren't as restrictive as D), the video game press largely dismissed it as being overly linear, shallow, and short, and it was not uncommon to see it appear on several "worst of"-lists. Many years later, its reputation has increased, and has been praised in few circles for its unorthodox design and artistic merits. The death of Kenji Eno likely played a part in this, too.
