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YMMV / Carrie's Order Up!

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  • Demonic Spiders: Pretty much anything that goes fast, especially near the end of the game. Special mention goes to the Hat wearing blue fish, who can come on screen and bump into you in less than a second.
  • Narm Charm: Carrie's voice samples. Cheesy to some, but add to the charm and early '90s arcade game feel.
  • Sweet Dreams Fuel: The bright and cheery atmosphere, cute characters, and relaxing music are sure to give you a good night's sleep...if you haven't torn your hair out during the later stages.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Skyler, a pink swordfish with fins that look like long hair, is often mistaken for a girl.
  • Viewer Species Confusion: To the uninitiated (or to those that don't notice her claws in the pixel art), Carrie looks more like a cartoon cat than a crab.
