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YMMV / Bokura no Kiseki

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  • Iron Woobie: Glenn Schreiber, probably above and beyond anyone else. A Heroic Bastard, he spends most of his life severely ill-used by his Verbania relatives (except for Bart and maybe his father), knowing his mother was bought and sold like livestock, halfway expecting others to do the same to him, sent off to war as a common soldier where he was lucky to come back alive, and too cynical about the idea of love to even understand it. Yet, at least in Veronica's castle, he is perpetually upbeat and able to maintain an Odd Friendship with Veronica across class lines that leads everyone to believe he and Veronica are lovers. And then he died, apparently by the sword, because he hasn't been reincarnated. Only it was actually Bart who died by the sword, and Yuu Hiroki really is Glenn but pretends to be Bart because she was afraid that Glenn's baggage would follow her into the present day.
  • Ho Yay:
    • Between Momoka and Hiroki, though fairly one-sided. Momoka blurts out that her past self, Lilly, had a huge crush on Hiroki's past self, Bart. Hiroki takes it in stride but Momoka has a tendency to blush around Hiroki a lot ever since.
    • Jokingly played with in an omake about Veronica and Rida. Veronica would invite Rida to share baths and even sometimes to sleep in the same bed, which Rida understood as Veronica being starved for affection and human contact. Flash forward to the present day and Harusumi and Takao are mortified, given the new context of their own romantic relationship coloring their memories.
  • Paranoia Fuel: The basic premise comes pre-loaded with a lot. Suddenly a bunch of people around you are acting very different, sometimes speaking a new language, changing relationships and behavior faster than you can blink. It's nearly impossible to know for certain if someone around you isn't faking who they are, hiding behind a fake name and plotting against you. And you could be someone else entirely, with sudden memories and a new old personality rushing out of nowhere at any trigger to overtake you, for a little while if not longer.
