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Marvel Universe

  • Thunderbolts: The end of the first issue. At the end of the first issue, our heroes reveal their true identities.
    "Instead, I shall wear a different mask...a mask with darker intentions...the mask of Helmut, 13th Baron Zemo and the leader of the Masters of Evil!"
  • Secret Invasion (2008) has two during its Illuminati tie-ins, first when Black Bolt suddenly starts talking without destroying anything because he's a Skrull, and then in New Avengers #44 when Doctor Strange, sweating bullets after realizing he can't use his magics, asks how the Illuminati escaped from the Skrull Empire.
  • House of M #7:
    Scarlet Witch: Daddy... No more mutants.
  • Avengers vs. X-Men: "No more Phoenix."
  • As the run that pretty much reshaped the X-Men's canon, Grant Morrison's New X-Men naturally has a few.
  • Wolverine Vol. 2 issue #75: "SCHLUNK!" The sound of bone claws tearing through Wolverine's skin.
  • Wolverine in Uncanny X-Men 132: The Hellfire Club defeats the X-men, and Wolverine gets mass-increased until he crashes through the floor and winds up deep underground. He rises from the sewer, livid, and utters the line that changes him from secondary character into major hero and cultural icon...
  • X-Men's Messiah Complex is practically built on this.
    Lady Deathstrike: "Come to me, children. Come to Deathstrike."
    Wolverine: "Negative. The Marauders don't have the baby. One of our side has her. An X-Man took her from Cooperstown."
    Cyclops: "Charles, you trained me, Let me do my job."
    Also from Cyclops: "Assemble X-Force."
    Future Mutant: "Yeah. You'll live. Leastways... until something else kills you." Full page showing Cable shot and Bishop aiming at the mutant baby.
    Mystique: "I've always been good with children."
    Rockslide: "We deserve a piece of the ac—...tion? I take it back."
  • X-Men #300
    Fabian Cortez: "How could I possibly lose the points for Magnus's death, unless…?" (eyes widen) "NOOO!"
    • Powers of X #3 ended with a narration box that recontextualizes the X-era we've been seeing until now:
      "So ended the ninth life of Moira X."
  • Spider-Man:
  • Spider-Men
    Ultimate Mysterio: Mysterio avatar activated.
  • King in Black: Arc Villain Knull, god of darkness and creator of the symbiotes, has just staged his attack on Earth. He demands that "Brock", the greatest threat to him, be brought to him and executed, and then he can kill the planet quickly instead of dragging things out. Venom/Eddie Brock seals away his son, Dylan, in a bunker for safety, and heads to meet Knull...who realises there's been a misunderstanding.
    Knull: I suppose I should have specified which Brock.
  • In a classic 1968 tale, Namor is on a rampage in New York, battling the Thing. Suddenly, a woman mostly in shadow and calling herself "Mrs. Prentiss" steps out. Her appearance shocks Namor to stop his battle although the woman says "what do we have to say to each" At home alone, Mrs. Prentiss writes in her journal as she reveals to the reader she was once a very special person in Namor's past.
    Mrs. Prentiss: No one could have stopped him except a widow named Mrs. Prentiss...who the eternally young Sub-Mariner once knew as....Betty Dean.
  • The Punisher:
    • The Punisher: Born: "YES."
    • Punisher Max: "I want a divorce."
    • Punisher: The Platoon: The story starts off with the author Michael Goodwin interviewing Frank's former subordinates about their experiences in Vietnam. A flashback shows Frank call in an airstrike against an abandoned village where enemy soldiers are waiting in ambush. the scene cuts to a survivor of the airstrike talking about what happened with a superior and swearing revenge. Then, the final panel of the issue shows the veterans looking stunned, and asking Goodwin, "How do you know this?", revealing that was something that the author just told them about. The next issue reveals the (fairly innocuous) answer: Goodwin also interviewed the NVA commander for his book, but at the moment the line is uttered, it's pretty startling and spooky.
  • Daredevil:
    Kirsten McDuffie: Will you state your name for the record?
    Matt Murdock: Absolutely. My name is Daredevil.
    • During #25 of Mark Waid's run, Matt fights with Bullseye's new enforcer, Ikari, who was splashed with the same chemical that blinded him and gave him his radar sense. Matt attempts to use his experience to his advantage. That officially ends with this:
    • The storyline "The Murdock Papers" revolves around the titular documents, which Kingpin states will prove Daredevil's identity and his culpability in various crimes. Four issues in, after Daredevil has blatantly broken the law to retrieve the papers:
      Kingpin, to the police: I suppose I should be honest with you... there are no Murdock Papers.
  • Young Avengers/Runaways Civil War: I want you to die.
  • Oh god, Runaways.
    Alex: "I just have to do one thing first."
    Karolina: "What's that?"
    Alex: "Tell you how sorry I am. Really."
    Xavin: "Chase... ran away. I believe he had a disagreement with Nico about what to do with Gert's body."
    Ultron: "Astounding. I anticipated your defeat of Doom, yet I was 99% certain you would be unable to damage him badly enough to uncover that he was merely one of my androids. Truly, you are my greatest creation."
  • Marvel 2099: "Thor is dead. I know. I was there."
  • In the Everything Burns crossover between The Mighty Thor and Journey into Mystery:
    Surtur's Herald: Leah of Hel knows his (Loki's) character better than her own.
  • The Incredible Hulk #600: "The Good Doctor is out. The Bad Doctor is in."
  • Secret Avengers has one by the end of the fifth issue.
    • Issue #5
    Forson: I never thought I'd live to see the day.
    • Issue #13
    : Mockingbird's dead. And so are you.
  • From Hunger
    Galactus/Gah Lak Tus fusion:: Galactus... HUNGERS!
  • In Issue 3 of Ultimates 3:
  • First issue of Captain America: Steve Rogers ends with one:
    Captain America: Hail HYDRA.
  • Captain America and the Mighty Avengers Issue #5 ends with one accompanying a Wham Shot that brings the last thing anyone was expecting to the Marvel Universe:
    Jason Quantrell: Welcome to the Beyond Corporation.
  • The Ultimates: Pym remarks that Rogers would despise Jan if he knew "what she really was". When she got angered about that remark, he said this:
    Oh, let's see... Asian? Five foot three? A molecular freakin' biologist? A mutant, you idiot.
  • Marvel 1602 has two it connection to its plot.
    • One being about the time traveler Doctor Strange was wondering about.
      Clea: [Stephen Strange] was wrong. [Virginia Dare] isn't the time traveller. Is she, Rojhaz?
      Rojhaz/Steve Rogers: Well, if you put it like that, Ms. Strange, I guess she's not.
    • The other is about the universe Steve's presence was altering before it was split off into a pocket universe
      Watcher: We call it 616.
