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A Man of Iron

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     A Man of Iron 
  • Chapter 26. Obadiah Stane is gruesomely killed by Gregor as Iron Monger, showing how little we can trust the story will follow Marvel canon.
  • Chapter 29. Iron Man manages to save Ned from being decapitated... but Sansa dies when Joffrey tries to use her as a Human Shield only for her to slip and lethally break her head.
  • Chapter 32. Logan gains his canon powers, Daenerys not only awakens the dragons but also gains the ability to control fire, and there is a mysterious council that employs Varys for some unknown (potentially world-saving) purpose.
  • Chapter 33. Sansa comes back to life as the Night's Queen and recruits Sandor Clegane after healing his face. He is unaware he is now working for the Others.

    A Crack of Thunder 
  • Chapter 1. Thor Odinson crashes into Dragonstone, and his comments indicate that the Seven are just the Norse pantheon but mixed up. And he's never heard of the Lord of Light before.
  • Chapter 5. Ramsay is hunting his latest victim, only to find out that she's Asha Greyjoy, as he's captured by a band of men led by her lover Ivan Vanko, who then whips Ramsay to death as part of his campaign against all the lords of Westeros.
  • Chapter 13. While, at first, it appears to be about Robb adapting to ruling the North in his father's stead, we learn more about the Court of the Others. And then Rickon is lured into the crypts by mysterious voices before he's pulled through a portal.
  • Chapter 26. Renly is revealed to be the one who sent the bandits after Tony in the first book and is now working with Vanko. Theon, Lord Bracken and Brienne discover this, and Bracken is killed by Asha, permanently turning Theon against his birth culture and solidifying his loyalty to the Starks (thus utterly derailing his canon plot). Brienne turns on Renly for his dishonorable tactics and helps Theon escape while also wrecking his alliance.
  • Chapter 36. After Vargo Hoat decides to sell out Harrenhal to Renly in exchange for Casterly Rock, Maester Maxell reveals himself as Magneto and kills all of the Bloody Mummers by using them in a blood sacrifice that not only gifts Arya and Gendry with the powers of Shadowcat and Colossus, but also brings another dragon to life. Also, Magneto reveals that he's the last living male Blackfyre.
  • Chapter 37. Pyat Pree reveals he's stolen Daenerys' dragons and kills the rest of the Thirteen except Doom, who escapes with Daenerys; the pair prepare to storm the House of the Undying in retaliation. Meanwhile, on Dragonstone, Melisandre reveals herself to be Amora the Enchantress as she has her followers seize Jane and Shireen.
  • Chapter 38. Nikolos Fury (formerly known as Gerion Lannister) reveals himself to Jon and tries to recruit him for the Council, but instead causes a rift between Jon and Natasha as she reveals herself to also be a Council agent.
  • Chapter 39. Despite the changes from canon, the Ironborn still invade and conquer Winterfell.
  • Chapter 43. Davos Seaworth is LOKI.
  • Chapter 45. Rickon returns through a portal with his team to rescue Robb and liberate Winterfell from the Ironborn. He is now a grown-up, leading the Guardians of the Galaxy as Star-Lord.
  • Chapter 47. Loki executes Amora and comes clean. Stannis' injuries from his fight with Thor turn out to be deadly, and he charges Davos/Loki with crowning Shireen as Queen of Westeros before he is taken to Valhalla.
  • Chapter 50. Tyrion makes plans to leave Westeros and travel Essos in search of a means to restore his ruined hands. The Night's Queen deceives Tywin into believing she's the spirit of his wife Joanna, turning him into her puppet. Sansa's spirit manages to resurrect Lady and then wargs into her body to escape King's Landing.
  • Chapter 53. Rickon explains the origin of the Children of the Forest and the Others and why they snatched him. And Gamora had an important name in life: she once was Lyanna Stark.
  • Chapter 54. The Traitor of the Court of the Others is revealed to be Steve Rogers, also known as Azor Ahai.

     A Shield of Man 
  • Chapter 6. Three words: Cersei. Is. Psylocke.
  • Chapter 7. Euron is Ronan. Also, he's serving the Others and has taken Asha prisoner.
  • Chapter 9. Jon and Natasha arrive in King's Landing, Tyrion has departed for Essos without Bronn and Clynt, and Spider-Man makes his first silent appearance.
  • Chapter 11. Daenerys meets Deadpool (who appears to have taken the place of Daario), agreeing to let him serve on her Small Council in exchange for taking control of the Second Sons and Stormcrows for her.
  • Chapter 12. Adrian, who has secretly become the new Vulture King, pledges himself to Tywin. Tywin deduces Jon's Targaryen heritage during a meeting in the throne room but thinks he's Rhaegar and Elia's son Aegon.
  • Chapter 15. We meet Petyr Parker. And Gwen Stacey. And Miles Muralus.
  • Chapter 19. Yondu arrives in Winterfell, reveals that he used to be Rickard Stark, while Drax used to be Brandon Stark, then drags Robb and Roslin along with him and the Guardians as they head North of the Wall to confront the Others.
  • Chapter 20. The Sealord of Braavos is Charlus Xavier.
  • Chapter 21: Qyburn is this story's version of Mister Sinister and has found the Ultron armor, which he's trying to bring to life for Cersei. And he implies he engineered Robert's Rebellion.
  • Chapter 22: Shireen returns to Westeros, now an adult and the Queen of the Valkyries, and prepares to march the remaining Baratheon soldiers North of the Wall to fight the Others.
  • Chapter 23. Arya meets Charlus Xavier and his students, finds out about Mystique's past and ends up having to save Antony, who is wearing pieces of the Iron Man armor and seems to have come out of a shipwreck.
  • Chapter 24: Tony, now a hostage of the Brotherhood, discovers that the flag flown by the pirates who attacked his ship is the symbol of the Ten Rings.
  • Chapter 36: After dealing with the Iron Bank, Tony, Arya, and the Brotherhood are invited to a celebration while covertly listening for news about Rhodey and Pepper. But once there, they run into Theon, Brienne, T'Challa, and even Tyrion. Thus setting the stage for a true Super Team of convenience.
  • Chapter 38: Dany's army arrives at Mereen, but the masters are prepared this time, wanting to create a Trial by Combat to settle their differences. With Dany now feeling anxious about getting to Westeros, she agrees. However, then we find out who the champion of Mereen is: HULK!!!!
  • Chapter 40: The Umber encampment where Robb and the Guardians are being held is attacked by Euron's horde of wights, including Asha, who is now Nebula. After a fierce battle, Euron takes Robb captive.
  • Chapter 44: Rhodey is revealed to have been captured by the Followers of R'hllor, who intend to sacrifice him. While Arya plans to rescue him with help from the Brotherhood and T'Challa, Tony goes off on his own to rescue Pepper from the Mandarin. Meanwhile, Jaime's group reaches the Wall and meets Mantis, a Child of the Forest merged with Rhaegar's daughter Rhaenys, who is there to guide them to the Three-Eyed Raven. Also, Summer is revealed to be psychic and starts talking to Jaime.
  • Chapter 47: It's revealed that Rhodey isn't the Red Priests' captive, as he finds Tony in the middle of his rescue attempt and joins him. The two break into the Mandarin's manse and find Renly apparently in charge and holding Pepper captive. However, he is quickly revealed to be a puppet of the true Mandarin, Wenwu, who turns on him for no longer being useful. The group escapes and takes Renly with them; when he regains consciousness, they're shocked to realize that he's reverted mentally to 7 years of age.
  • Chapter 48: Joffrey's wedding is ruined by a storm sent by Thor for insulting Jane, sending Joffrey into a Villainous Breakdown wherein he strikes Margaery and threatens the Faith, effectively destroying what little positive reputation he has left. And then he's killed by a dagger to the chest, seemingly directly by Littlefinger, though Baelish seems just as surprised as everyone else.
  • Chapter 54: Jaime and Bran's group reach their destination, where they're greeted by Bloodraven, who takes Bran on as his student. Jaime then communes with the Old Gods, who warn that Bloodraven is needed but can't be trusted; they offer Jaime the means to play a role against him and the Others, by giving him Dark Sister and transforming him into their champion, Ghost Rider.
  • Chapter 56: Daenerys' plan to rig the Trial by Combat is foiled when the Masters reveal they've seen it coming and hired the Juggernaut as their true champion... who promptly declares himself the new ruler of Mereen, forcing an Enemy Mine between Dany and the Masters.
  • Chapter 60: The combined Night's Watch/Free Folk party reaches Dawnguard and confronts the Red Skull, who unveils his secret weapons: Crossbones and the Winter Soldier. The Guardians and Shireen's group arrive at Hardhome to confront Euron, and are nearly defeated by him before Robb merges with a symbiote and becomes Venom.
  • Chapter 61: The Red Skull is forced into retreat after his attempt to convert Ygritte fails, turning her into a free-minded Other like Steve.
  • Chapter 62: Robb, the Guardians and Shireen manage to defeat Euron and Asha, escaping a collapsing Hardhome. In the aftermath, it's shown that Asha managed to keep her free will, and is independent once again with the Power Stone now in her possession. Unfortunately, the reason she has that power now is because Euron wasn't killed. Instead, now he's Carnage.
  • Chapter 63: Littlefinger is killed by the Hound in his Trial by Combat, but not before revealing that not only did he indirectly cause Robert's Rebellion by lying to Brandon Stark about his sister's fate, but he also realized the truth of Rhaegar and Lyanna's relationship and the fact that they had a son. Jon and Natasha decide to flee King's Landing at the first chance they get before the Lannisters learn that Jon is that child.
  • Chapter 64: Just as Arya and Tony are preparing to abandon the Brotherhood and flee Braavos, Wenwu launches an attack to take control of the city, magically activating the wooden Sentinel statues to attack the Brotherhood and Sealord.
  • Chapter 70: Tywin learns Jon's true heritage in full, and tries to manipulate that to his benefit. Before he can however, he's confronted by Margaery and Loras, who reveal themselves to be the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. They further explain that they're Magneto and Mystique's children, raised by the Tyrells as part of an alliance dating back to Aegon V's time; they also explain that they're the ones who engineered the attack on Jon and Natasha's group at the Blue Oyster and framed Littlefinger for Joffrey's death. They then throw Tywin out a window to his death.
  • Chapter 74: We got a look inside Qyburn/Sinister's head and learn just how much he has been manipulating events for centuries as part of his experiments. And then he and Cersei attempt to resurrect Jaime (whom they don't know is still alive) through the Ultron armor, only to instead accidentally revive Littlefinger, who flees with the armor.

    A Web of Lies 
  • Chapter 1: We meet Norman Osborn, who is acting on behalf of Littlefinger/Ultron to assemble a team to rampage in Westeros. His first recruit is Kraven the Hunter, who is not only a woman but a still-alive Elia Martell.
  • Chapter 2: Natasha deduces that Kevan was looped in by Tywin prior to his death about Jon's heritage. It is mentioned that the Sparrow is on the verge of being elected High Septon. And at the chapter's end, we meet the new Master of Coin: Otto Octavius.
  • Chapter 3: Adrian's journey to the Wall on behalf of the Council is derailed when Littlefinger/Ultron shows up to forcibly recruit him into his own plans for the conquest of Westeros.
