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Western Animation / Tokyo Woes

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Tokyo Woes is a 1945 cartoon short produced for the US Navy, made as part of the short lived Mr. Hook series and directed by an uncredited Bob Clampett.

The film has a Japanese radio station, "Tokyo Rose", broadcasting anti-American propaganda and encouraging servicemen not to bother with war bonds. On a nearby battleship, Mr. Hook is going through his War Bonds when he hears the broadcast. Enraged, he responds with a missile shell containing a reply from a "talking bond," along with a number of explosive devices. Post-war, another shell lands on Hook, this time containing what is known as the "talking bond" giving all the benefits to his investments.


  • Money Mauling: Seaman Hook bombards Tokyo Rose with war bonds that explode like artillery shells.
  • Public Domain Animation: The cartoon was produced for the government and was never copyrighted as a result.
  • Toilet Humour: Tokyo Rose's reveal has her sitting on a toilet in an outhouse hidden behind several doors and curtains.
  • Tokyo Rose: Tokyo Rose is broadcasting anti-American propaganda and encouraging servicemen not to bother with war bonds.
  • Wartime Cartoon: The cartoon was released at the tail end of World War II, was only screened for the Navy and has subject matter directly related to the war.
  • Yellow Peril: The Japanese characters in the cartoon are depicted as villainous personalities and are given a very grotesque and racist caricaturing as a result.
