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Western Animation / Magic Gift of the Snowman

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Magic Gift of the Snowman is a 1995 Christmas special animated by Jetlag Productions and released by GoodTimes Entertainment.

When Landon's sister Emery-Elizabeth was sick, he decided to tell her a story about a named Snowden who works for Princess Electra's kingdom.


  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Charlatan's mouse is pink. Justified since it's an In-Universe story that a character made up.
  • Arc Words: "There's a time for questions and a time for action".
  • Artistic License – Physics: Snowden doesn't melt while traveling through a sunny, spring area. Possibly justified via it being in Electra's castle, and thus, him being protected by the surrounding magic.
  • Bittersweet Ending: In-Universe. The story Landon tells Emery-Elizabeth ends like this. Charlatan is defeated and Princess Electra gets back her smile, saving the kingdom. However, Snowden melts. Averted for the actual special, which has a Happy Ending, as Snowden turns out to be real and still alive, and Emery makes a full recovery.
  • Clueless Aesop: Oh boy. The special tries to teach kids that positive thinking and being happy will solve your problems away. While it's not a bad thing, pressuring this isn't going to make things better.
  • Covers Always Lie: Snowden hardly resembles what he looks like on the cover. The cover also suggests that the film will have much higher quality animation.
  • Expy:
    • Charlatan is similar to the Crypt Keeper, even down to his voice.
    • The name "Emery Elizabeth" is suspiciously close to "Emily Elizabeth", and both characters are cute little blonde girls.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Charlatan gets burned to death when defeated.
  • Happiness Is Mandatory: The only law in Electra's kingdom.
    "Join the fun, won’t you stay a while? The only rule is to wear a smile."
  • It Has Been an Honor: Snowden in the story, as he melts.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Snowden in the story.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Most of the characters have cute anime esque designs except for the villain Charlatan with his bulging bug eyes, wrinkled skin, bony face, long crooked teeth, and claw like hands.
  • Princesses Rule: Princess Electra governs her kingdom in her own right.
  • Real After All: Snowden ended up being real.
  • Scheherezade Gambit: Inverted. Landon's story ends it on a cliffhanger each night so that Emery-Elizabeth will have to hang on until the following day to hear what happens next.
  • Self-Insert Fic: Landon inserts himself and Emery Elizabeth into his story as characters.
  • Snowlems: Snowden is a type 1.
  • Soap Opera Disease: Emery has a fatal disease and one of the symptoms is paraplegia. Modern medicine can't do much to treat it, but people who have the disease can fully recover if they want to recover enough. When Emery recovers, the symptoms disappear overnight, including her paraplegia.
  • There Are No Adults: The land that Princess Electra rules over doesn't include any adults, except for Snowden.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: A literal example. Charlatan has a pink pet mouse. It disappears after Snowden's head bounces off of it, leaving it uncertain if it escaped or perished in the fire at the end.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Emery is certain that her being in a wheelchair will prohibit her from being able to save Princess Electra, a thought Landon kindly and Snowden not-so-kindly reject.
