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Western Animation / A-Haunting We Will Go

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A-Haunting We Will Go is a 1966 Looney Tunes cartoon featuring Daffy Duck, Speedy Gonzales and Witch Hazel directed by Robert McKimson. Set on Halloween night the plot begins with Daffy’s nephew calling to Witch Hazel's house while out trick-or-treating on Halloween night and trying to convince his uncle that witches are real to which Daffy insists they're not. Meanwhile Witch Hazel, stuck in a rut, decides to take a vacation, but not before leaving her resident mouse Speedy in charge of her shop using a spell to turn him into a clone of her. But things get complicated when Daffy turns up.


  • Animation Bump: Being a De Patie Freleng made cartoon, the new footage doesn't quite line up with the clips from Broomstick Bunny.
  • Call-Back: This short is ultimately a tongue in cheek remake of Chuck Jones’s 1956 Broom-Stick Bunny (complete with recycled animation and lines) only with Daffy and his nephew filling in for Bugs, and the young duck even wears the same costume as Bugs, while Speedy has been made to fill in for Witch Hazel via transformation spell.
    • The potion in the tea turns Daffy back into the four-legged form Bugs animated him into in Duck Amuck.
  • Do Wrong, Right: Witch Hazel is not impressed by the "botched up job" Speedy done transforming Daffy and changes Speedy back into a mouse.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: Daffy continues to assert to his nephew that there are no such thing as witches throughout, even while walking him home after seeing Witch Hazel transform Speedy back into a mouse and ride on her broomstick.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: One of few Daffy vs Speedy shorts where Daffy is not pursuing Speedy, with Speedy in fact coerced into the role of an antagonist for once, in a bizarre case of shape shifting. It's also one of the few cartoons of the era where Daffy is not a jerk (although he does come across as a bit patronizing towards his nephew).
  • Halloween Episode: The plot is chained off by Daffy's nephew trick or treating Witch Hazel's house.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Speedy is literally made into a substitute for Witch Hazel while she takes a vacation. This is one of very few occasions Speedy is an antagonist in a cartoon, and abiding by Hazel's opinions later on, isn't a very good one so is quickly changed back.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Daffy's nephew when he runs from Witch Hazel's house, letting out a female Stock Scream.
