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Webcomic / Trapped

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Trapped is a Korean Webtoon by Haemuri.

Chae-a is an ordinary taxi driver who attends Mass every Sunday. But when she crosses paths with Yunsu, a vampire, she unwittingly is forced to become his accomplice; his food delivery woman, if you will. But Chae-a refuses to be a victim, and soon, the two of them find themselves ensnared in the others' traps.

You can read Trapped here.

Trapped contains examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Chae-a's grandmother abused her due to her looking like her mother, whom her grandmother hated and blames for not being able to see her son once before his death.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Chae-a is a very reserved woman, and even though she has a temper, she does her best to keep it in check.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: When Chae-a confronts Haewon in a bid to get Yunsu to kill him, Haewon knocks her out, kidnaps her, and tries to force her to sign a marriage certificate.
  • Batman Gambit: After being kidnapped by Haewon while teaming up with Yunsu to kill him, Chae-a realizes that Yunsu has planned to have her kill Haewon for him. So she makes a gamble, betting that it was actually her blood he smelled the day she first stabbed Haewon. So she stabs herself, leading Yunsu to kill Haewon in a bloodthirsty haze and keeping her own hands clean.
  • Battle of Wits: Might as well be "Battle of Wits: The Series". The entire premise is Chae-a attempting to either escape or trick Yunsu, and Yunsu trying to ensnare Chae-a.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: A very dark example with Chae-a and Yunsu; they do bicker a lot, to the point more than a few readers have pointed out they're almost Like an Old Married Couple with a kid (Grimm), but their fights are often a matter of life or death.
  • Bloodlust: Yunsu’s eyes glow bright yellow whenever blood is spilled in his presence, like when Chae-a purposefully cuts herself as an experiment.
  • Bound and Gagged: When Chae-a is kidnapped by Leo, he ties her up and locks her in a closet while using her blood to lure Yunsu. Chae-a sneaks in a pair of scissors to free herself, but she is unable to escape the closet on her own.
  • Broken Tears: Chae-a sheds these during her Despair Event Horizon, after she keeps seeing Haewon everywhere, scaring her half to death.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Yunsu ends up promising to let Chae-a go at one point, and since a vampire’s promise is binding, he can’t kill her, no matter what.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: If only Chae-a hadn’t mentioned seeing Yunsu with a woman to the people at church… a woman who turned out to be one of his victims.
  • Cover Identity Anomaly: Leo has the ability to shapeshift as other people, but his gross misunderstanding of Chae-a and Yunsu's relationship gets him found out almost immediately. When he pretends to be Yunsu, Chae-a immediately knows it's not him when he ask where he told her Grimm was; Yunsu never told her this information. When he pretends to be Chae-a, Yunsu catches on when "she" hugs him back.
  • Creepy Child: Grimm, due to also being a vampire and associated with Yunsu.
  • Crime of Self-Defense: The crime Chae-a committed that made her an ex-con involved her stabbing her abusive, Yandere boyfriend with a knife.
  • Daywalking Vampire: Neither Yunsu or Grimm seem to have any problems walking around in broad daylight.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Chae-a hits hers when her ex-boyfriend comes back into the picture and resumes stalking her, to the point she has a breakdown in the rain and makes a deal with Yunsu to get rid of him.
  • Disappointing Older Sibling: How Chae-a is unfairly seen by her family, due to being an ex-con from a Crime of Self-Defense.
  • Enemy Mine: Chae-a ends up agreeing to work with Yunsu to kill Haewon, so Yunsu can finally drink the blood he's wanted for years and so Chae-a can finally get him out of her life.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For as cruel as Yunsu is, it seems he genuinely does care about Grimm as a son figure.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even Yunsu doesn’t like Haewon, Chae-a’s Stalker with a Crush ex boyfriend.
  • Evil Is Not Well-Lit: Yunsu is usually seen in shadows.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Yunsu looks quite beautiful, but deep down he’s a murderous, sadistic vampire.
  • Fake Relationship: When Chae-a's abusive ex boyfriend, Haewon, comes back into the picture, Yunsu can't help but antagonize him by not only saying he and Chae-a are dating, but that he's considering marrying her.
  • Forced into Evil: Chae-a is tricked by Yunsu into burying one of his kills, and he catches her on video doing it. This, combined with her past as an ex-con, is enough to blackmail her into being his accomplice.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Yunsu first came across Chae-a the day she stabbed her abusive boyfriend, and became fixated on the scent of Haewon’s blood, which turns out to have been Chae-a’s.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Chae-a is abrasive and tough, but she has to be when attempting to escape a murderous vampire. She even begins to partake in a Battle Of Wits with him.
  • Gruesome Grandparent: Chae-a’s abusive grandmother.
  • Hellish Pupils: Vampire’s eyes often glow bright yellow with strange pupils.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: When Chae-a is forced to decide between going along with Yunsu’s lies or reconnecting with her ex boyfriend. Neither option is good, as Yunsu is a murderous vampire and her ex is a stalker.
  • Like a Son to Me: Yunsu genuinely does see Grimm as a son.
  • Love Triangle: Parodied. In one episode, Chae-a realizes she has to choose between going along with Yunsu’s lie (keep in mind, he’s a murderous vampire) or go along with her stalker ex boyfriend. She decides to side with Yunsu.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Yunsu. In the first few chapters he's able to get Chae-a to bury one of his kills, and that's only the beginning.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Leo thinks that Yunsu and Chae-a are a loving couple when it's more complicated than that. This assumption leads to both of them seeing through his disguise.
  • Older Than He Looks: Due to being vampires, both Yunsu and Grimm are far older than they appear.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: First, their eyes glow yellow rather than red. They don't seem to need to be invited inside, and there are no indications they can turn into bats. They can also walk in the sunlight. They do drink blood and need it, however.
  • Religious Vampire: Yunsu regularly goes to Mass on Sundays, although whether he’s actually religious is left up in the air; it could just be part of his disguise.
  • Slasher Smile: Yunsu grins these often, usually when he’s around blood.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: Chae-a can appear temperamental and abrasive, but deep down she wishes her family actually cared about her and she’s truly afraid for her situation.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Chae-a's abusive ex boyfriend. He stalked her while they were dating, and it was one of the many events that led to her stabbing him in self-defense.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: Vampires’ eyes tend to glow bright yellow when they’re exposed to blood.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Yunsu has fair skin, jet black hair, seems tall, and is definitely a looker.
  • Vampiric Draining: What Yunsu does to his victims. He drinks their blood, quite naturally for a vampire.
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: Haewon was violently possessive of Chae-a, down to slapping her in the face for talking to a man she quite literally bumped in to.
  • Yandere: Haewon Nam in spades. He starts off as Chae-a’s abusive, stalking ex-boyfriend, but when she and Yunsu plot to kill him, he ends up knocking her out and kidnapping her in an attempt to force her to legally marry him.
