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Web Video / HQ Vanity Plate Rips

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Proof the other ten percent is worth watching YouTube Editor edited Spiffy Pictures videos here.

Ever since Siiva Gunner became practically a subculture, there had been active attempts by the other ten percent of those interested in Vanity Plate parodies to somehow apply the concept to vanity plates. Early channels such as Closing Logos HD had tried, but just replicating Siiva's formula. The new type of rip had to be different. But how.

Enter a YouTuber by the name of Daniel Walterbury, who ripped logos in a Vaporwave-esque 80s and 90s nostalgia themed style with much jokes about bylines and company ownership. His style unlike anything in Siiva's field, caught on and spawned many imitators, practically forming a new type of remix culture altogether.

