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Web Animation / The OMORIBOY Chronicles

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"Omori... NO! It's the other one."

The OMORIBOY Chronicles is a Motion Comic by the YouTuber RainingKetchup.

This is not the story of Omori, the monochrome boy who adventures with Aubrey, Kel, and Hero, but Omoriboy, a humorously pathethic young man holed up in White Space. Watch him as he fools around his room, rants about his life, and gets into trouble with his roommates (and not-so-mates), all while trying to stay sane.

In short, a tongue-in-cheek fandub of the webcomic Omoriboy that gradually gets sillier as it goes on.

Episodes in the series:

  1. OMORIBOY the AWESOME!!! (voiceover)
  3. OMORIBOY the SEXY!!!
  4. OMORIBOY the MESSENGER!!! (teaser)

You can watch the whole series at its official playlist; but there will be spoilers for OMORI.


  • Adaptation Name Change: The main character of the original comic was just called Omori, but from SEXY!!! onward, he's referred to as Omoriboy. This neatly helps keep up the One-Steve Limit when his game counterpart becomes a reoccurring character.
  • Adaptational Context Change: Because some of the panels are adapted out of order, the reasoning behind them changes as well. One example is the sequence where Omori locked himself out of his laptop; in the original comic, Omori can't post anymore and the comic ends, whereas in SEXY!!!, Omoriboy goes into a Troubled Fetal Position under his blanket and tries to distract himself with other things to do.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: You won't really get the impression that Omoriboy is a depressed loner in this series, unlike the original comic. The key difference between the two is that Omoriboy has multiple people to bounce off of in White Space, while his original counterpart only had himself to listen to.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: In the webcomic, Tako was just another of Omori's imaginary friends, with Omori implied to have a crush on her judging by his sketches. In SEXY!!!, it's Tako that tries to make a move, while Omoriboy is so contact-deprived that he nearly kills himself after talking to her just once.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In MESSENGER!!!, Omoriboy's list of people he'll talk to now that he's a "microcelebrity" is Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Tommy Tallarico.
  • Art Evolution: AWESOME!!! and FANTASTIC!!! are mostly comprised of comic panels with video editing. Then Omori's appearance at the end of FANTASTIC!!! is done with Limited Animation. SEXY!!! keeps this up with an Animation Bump during "Redditor Too". MESSENGER!!! is pretty much a full-on animation.
  • Art-Style Clash: A fair bit.
    • Omoriboy flips between the comic's panels and RainingKetchup's own drawings, which are distinct in style.
    • The soyjaks are deliberately all over the place with their proportions, as with their memes of origin.
    • Omori is drawn more in line with the game's artwork. Justified as otherwise he'd look identical to Omoriboy.
    • Done from the opposite side in MESSENGER!!!. During Omori's rant where he proclaims himself the only worthwhile version of himself, one of the visuals is a lineup of the Headspace party from the game... and Omoriboy at the very end, in RainingKetchup's usual art style, condifently trying to fit in while dressed as Hero.
  • Ascended Meme: MESSENGER!!! acknowledges that the song "Redditor Too" from the previous video became a YTPMV fad, and releases the raw vocals to aid in further remixes.
  • Be Yourself: The post reading "life would be so much better if i didn't look like a potato" quickly gets derailed and then ends on this note.
    2012 Basil: Your appearance doesn't define who you are. Just live your life as you want to, don't let other people judge you, and be the best version of yourself.
  • Black Comedy Burst: AWESOME!!! is a pretty straightforward gag reading of some of the posts, until it gets to Omoriboy sadly repeating "it's all my fault" to himself. Suddenly, Basil appears out of nowhere to crack a joke about not taking too much credit (referencing his role in Mari's death in the game), but Omoriboy, now depicted as Sunny, continues to spiral.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
  • The Cameo: The 2012 versions of Aubrey, Kel, and Hero briefly appear in SEXY!!! loudly goofing off outside Omoriboy's window. Justified, as it's adapted from their only appearance in the original comic.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: In SEXY!!!, right after the Nice Guys Finish Last song, Tako starts flirting with Omoriboy... and he immediately loses it and threatens to kill himself.
  • Doppelgänger Gets Same Sentiment: Despite Omoriboy expressing confusion over who he is, Omori is upset when 2012 Basil tries to cheer him up, and their shared scene alone in RED SPACE implies that, much like the Basil copies in Omori's time, he is not likely to survive the encounter.
  • Dreadful Musician: Mewo is stuck listening to Omoriboy's off-key singing in one scene. The camera closes in on her face as a tiny "help" appears next to her.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: The soyjaks appear for about one second in AWESOME!!!, then become proper characters in SEXY!!!.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The first episode, while still being a gag reading of Omoriboy, differs from the later entries in that RainingKetchup corpses and breaks character (ironically in part due to the comic's own Early-Installment Weirdness) and only the final part of the episode is a proper Adaptation Expansion. Omoriboy also appears to be a Composite Character of his game and webcomic selves in said expansion, given that Basil is familiar with him and he briefly turns into Sunny; this gets thrown out when Omori appears as a separate character in FANTASTIC!!!.
  • Embarrassing Browser History: Omoriboy when getting sent back to 2012 protests with "I haven't deleted my search history!"
  • Establishing Character Moment: Discussed in AWESOME!!!, regarding the comic's very first post.
    Omoriboy: im omori and i fap
    RainingKetchup: [corpses] What? Why would you write that?! [cut] Honestly, it's the greatest character introduction in fiction. We instantly know that he wacks o— [cut] BOOBS!
  • Flexing Those Non-Biceps: In FANTASTIC!!!, as Omori tries to tell Omoriboy how much better he is than him, Omoriboy decides that he's still better in the muscle department, flexing his skinny arms for emphasis.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: MESSENGER!!! follows up on the previous video's Gecko Ending, and then becomes an announcement that the acapella for "Redditor Too" is being released in the description. No comic posts are dubbed.
  • Funny Background Event: Audio version in MESSENGER!!!: After Omoriboy rejects the contest, a deep-voiced soyjak starts describing another idea where people submit via e-mail before the music drowns him out. But if you listen closely, you can still hear him and he ends up describing the usual operations of SiIvaGunner, which Omoriboy says is an even worse idea.invokednote 
  • Gag Dub: The series is technically a fandub of Omoriboy, just Played for Laughs. Differs from a standard Gag Dub in that much of it is unchanged from the original, with the humor coming from the delivery and Adaptation Expansion. Gradually gets less faithful as it goes on; MESSENGER!!! follows an original plot.
  • Gecko Ending: FANTASTIC!!! and SEXY!!! both end with Omori from the game entering and being displeased with his predecessor.
  • Hard-Work Montage: In MESSENGER!!!, the construction of an elaborate stronghold to keep Omori out, set to "Factory of a Better Tomorrow".
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: As soon as Omoriboy lands in 2012, it Gilligan Cuts to him at his laptop next to a bottle of alcohol, drunkenly hoping things work out.
  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Omoriboy gets out of Omori's attempted "The Reason You Suck" Speech by claiming he has to go to the bathroom.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Each installment is a Character Title in the format "OMORIBOY the [adjective]!!!", with the adjective in question being a positive trait that has nothing to do with the episode's content. MESSENGER!!! breaks the format a bit by using a noun.
  • Inconsistent Episode Lengths: The first three episodes are about one to two minutes long each. MESSENGER!!!, on the other hand, is almost six minutes long.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Multiple aspects of the late game plot, such as Omori's control over Headspace, Basil's relation to him, and RED SPACE in general are presented as matter-of-fact in the scenes they appear in.
  • Lucky Charms Title: SEXY!!!'s title is punctuated with three fire emojis, while MESSENGER!!!'s ends with mail-themed emojis (specifically a letter and two types of mailboxes).
  • Metaphoric Metamorphosis: Omoriboy calling himself "a potato" during his Weight Woe rant leads to him turning into an actual potato as he cries. Subverted, as it's quickly revealed to be a potato costume that he somehow conjured up.
  • Musicalis Interruptus: Omoriboy interrupts the song in MESSENGER!!! when the soyjaks start singing about hosting a contest, because he never agreed to that and he finds it disrespectful to the audience.
  • Mythology Gag: Flower, one of the two "flower boy" characters that were the inspiration for Basil during OMORI's development, is depicted as Basil's 2012 counterpart.
  • Older Hero vs. Younger Villain: Omoriboy is a young adult that's old enough to drink, watch porn, and (be thankful that he can't) pay rent. Starting from FANTASTIC!!!, twelve year old Omori contantly antagonizes him and wants him out of Headspace.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Crosses with Meet Your Early-Installment Weirdness. Omori hates how much of a loser Omoriboy is, and wastes no time calling him out every chance he can get. In FANTASTIC!!!, he sends Omoriboy to the past to be rid of him.
  • Piss-Take Rap: In FANTASTIC!!!, Omoriboy improvises a rap based on two of his blog posts.
  • Retraux Flashback: When Omoriboy is sent back in time to 2012, the Aubrey, Hero and Kel of that time are drawn with their original comic designs, while Basil gets a matching design based on one of his prototypes.
  • Setting Update: The original comic was set in 2011-2012, while the series occurs around the same time the videos were uploaded (roughly the early 2020s). This has a side effect of also setting the game in the early 2020s rather than the Turn of the Millennium, as per Basil's cameo in AWESOME!!! and Omori sending Omoriboy to 2012 being referred to as "getting sent back".
  • Shout-Out:
    • During "Redditor Too", Omoriboy drinks from a bottle of Soylent.
    • One of the soyjaks is dressed in Banjo's clothes.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: At the end of AWESOME!!!, Hoyt Curtin's "Rise and Shine" plays as Basil takes in applause during a stand-up act. The music is still playing when it cuts to Sunny (not Omoriboy) slowly succumbing to despair, due to the joke Basil told being about their shared role in Mari's death.
  • Speaks in Shout-Outs: All of Pitbull's lines are taken straight from his songs.
  • Suicide as Comedy: Omoriboy is so overwhelmed by Tako expressing interest in him and touching him on the shoulder that he points a knife at himself, and Tako's idea of trying to calm him down is to take him aside and say "nooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy haha". It works.
  • Testosterone Poisoning: Omoriboy's idea of what he'd look like with muscles is a roided-out mass of muscle with his normal face. This version of him encourages him to go to the gym when he suddenly starts lamenting his lack of strength.
  • That Reminds Me of a Song: SEXY!!! adapts a post reading "it sucks to live in a world where nice guys finish last" into a brief parody of "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan, complete with soyjak backup singers. The next video's announcement that the raw vocals for that song are being released is also done in song form.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: After Omoriboy blatantly duping Omori into letting him leave RED SPACE results in 2012 Basil being left alone with Omori who's not too happy about it, Basil quietly says "oh god" to himself.
  • The Unreveal: Although it was set up at the end of SEXY!!!, we ultimately don't see what Omori was planning in RED SPACE in MESSENGER!!!, because Omoriboy pulls an I Need to Go Iron My Dog.
  • Walk-In Chime-In: Just as Omoriboy thanks the fact that he's fictional for his lack of necessity to pay rent, Omori walks in and calls him a freeloader, among other things.
