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Warp That Aesop / The Fairly OddParents!

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  • Accept your lot in life, or you will endanger the world.
    • The longer version of this aesop is: never even try to improve yourself either personally or socially, nor should you have anyone else even remotely try to help you improve yourself. Because if you do, any even small speck of whatever made you happy or better in the first place will be automatically Ripped away from you and/or any attempt in improvement will almost always lead to excessive Disproportionate Retribution via either a Fantastic or Space Whale Aesop that not only will affect you but possibly the entire world right along with you. So you should really just accept both yourself and the world around you, even if the world around consists of mostly extreme Physical and Mental abuse from people who aren't even related to you. For the Real lesson is that life (even your own) is not to be changed but simply endured and by enduring it will you become a better person later in life... Wow, that kinda sounds like Extreme Buddhism, actually.
  • Discrimination is always correct, and the people you are discriminating against will act the way you think they will.
  • Getting bullied by a Babysitter from Hell is OK because you can keep your magical friends.
  • Keeping abusive people around you is good because they can inadvertently help you grown up to become a mature and responsible adult.
  • Being miserable gets you fairies, so you shouldn't try to end your misery or else you'll lose them.
  • Slavery is acceptable if it's human on genie since genies are tricky, evil and have good singing voices.
  • You can do anything if you're The Ditz and you won't get punished.
  • Insulting the Token Girl is OK if you are a main character.
  • Morality is just Author Appeal from the Writer on Board.
  • Torture your enemies, it's fun.
  • Respect everything but your wife and genies.
  • Keep romantically pursuing the Rich Bitch you have a crush on, even when she flat-out says she doesn't like you.
  • Enslaved minorities should feel Happiness in Slavery. Anyone that doesn't is evil.
  • Don't try to achieve your freedom if you are a minority.
  • If your true love becomes attractive and you develop feelings for her you didn't think you had before, she is definitely going to be willing to forgive you for all the crap you put her through when you didn't find her attractive.
  • Even if your parents are neglectful or borderline abusive, you WILL NOT show them the slightest disrespect and if you do, you're a bad kid!
    • More like "always respect your elders even though they are jerks to you."
  • Not thanking your friends for the things they do is horrible and you're a jerk for not doing it. However, wanting thanks and a little recognition for the things you do makes you selfish.
  • “Ruled Out”: 10-year-old boys should not watch any television program that contains even the mildest of violence, even if such violent shows are educational. They should be put on child blocks and forced to watch wimpy childish nonviolent shows instead.
  • “Smarty Pants”: Studying hard and becoming a genius who knows a lot is bad because your newfound intelligence will turn you into an arrogant narcissist. If you want to be humble and kind, then don’t do your homework and study for tests at all.
  • “Vicky Loses Her Icky”. Do not reform mean people and get them to be nice. If you do, then their discarded cruelty will take physical form and infect someone else, such as the President of the United States.
  • Don't be generous at Christmas to your friends, or anyone else, because you're muscling in on Santa Claus territory, at least according to Merry Wishmas and A Fairly Odd Christmas.
  • "Love Stuck!": Heterosexual relationships are the only OTP.
  • If your child is born the wrong gender, feel free to treat them like shit. And leave them in the hands of a horrible babysitter. If your child is born the right gender, go ahead and live off the coattails of your child's success and not come off as pushy stage-parents.
  • Fairies are unable to interfere with true love, create counterfeit money, and serve breakfast after 10:30. But assisted suicide is perfectly okay!
    • You cannot wish death on another person, yet erasing yourself from existence is fine, and your fairies will not question you.
  • It's okay for others to be mean and selfish towards you, but returning the favor makes you just as bad, if not worse than they are.
  • It's perfectly normal for a grown man to be completely obsessed about a little boy singer.
  • A poor kid who is sometimes forced to eat garbage or a little girl who is bullied by her older sister do not need any help. Y'know who does? An absolutely perfect girl who is loved by everyone!
  • If you had a miserable childhood, become a teacher to make other children feel miserable too.
  • “Fairy Idol”: You should apologize to people for anything wrong done to them, including for bad things that were actually done by another person who was impersonating you.
  • “Dream Goat”: Incriminating your babysitter for freeing a lonely goat is very wrong and turns you a into a completely selfish liar even if that babysitter has framed you for multiple things hundreds of times in the past
    • All teachers love giving F's to their students.
    • A teacher who obsesses over the existence of supernatural creatures is clearly insane, so who cares if he's right and every one of his "delusions" is just him paying attention to real things no one else notices?
  • "It's a Wishful Life": "Today I learned that if I don't appreciate someone's hard work done for me out of charity, I shouldn't worry about it. Heck, I can even yell at them for it. And if that leads them to feel unappreciated to the point where they're questioning their own existence, it's their problem and not mine. They should keep doing these deeds for me, no matter how much apathy I give. SCREW. YOU."
