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WMG / Zak Storm

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Skullivar's power is a mixture of Boo Energy and Minergy

Skullivar lives in Vapir, where ghosts roam the sea. When he gets his hand on the Morlock Armor, he can give it life, control and manipulate it with his magic that just so happens to be colored green. It wouldn't be a bad guess to assume that whatever animates him and his fellow guardians, he might be a type of ghost who mastered Minergy the same way Madcap did.

  • This would also explain how he manages to send undead skeleton soldiers after our heroes. Like the Power Players and Madcap's own gang, their own energy reserves might be regular and big enough they never have to worry about recovering when just some energy would be enough.
  • Skullivar taking hold of Calabrass at the end of the first season could be taken as him entering Booster mode by merging Calabrass with himself in a roundabout manner.
    Season 2 pre-release guesses 
Calabrass will gain a new Eye
  • Calabrass has seven eyes for seven seas, with an eighth sea it can be expected to see a new eye. With new powers for Zak to call upon.
