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WMG / Twisted Metal (2023)

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As a WMG subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Season Two Theories

Calypso will have supernatural powers and be revealed to be the cause of the apocalypse.
He could even have been the same Calypso from the games, having altered history from the games’ timeline.

Dollface will have a heel-face turn.

Dead characters from season one will have been resurrected by Calypso for the contest.

Mike and Stu will be standins for Dave & Mike in the Twisted Metal competition.

Mr. Grimm will be from one of the cannibalistic "butcher" gangs.
A reference to the cannibalistic version from Twisted Metal: Black.

Potential Contestants and their wishes
Will include people who died in the first season if the resurrection WMG is true.

Characters from the first season.

  • Sweet Tooth: A reboot of his old show.
  • Agent Stone: the final state quarter in his collection.
  • Raven: Lifetime supply of Ice Cream Pistachio flavor.
  • Miranda Watts: A wedding for her and Amber.
  • Quiet: Her Brother Loud brought back.
  • Preacher: Turn Him and his Holy Men into actual Gods.
  • Mike: To save Stu from Sweet Tooth.

Other characters.

  • Quatro: Instead of being an alien, he'll be a former member of the UFO cult that was mentioned in "DRVTHRU". He was too cowardly to drink the poison and ascend to the mother ship so he wants Calypso to put him on the ship.
  • Mortimer: Drives a stolen Reaper hearse and seeks to get justice for the souls of the workers that the Reapers killed.
  • Cage: A vulture who feels remorse after killing and wants his conscience removed.

The Stinger where Sweet Tooth kills Mike will be revealed as All Just a Dream.
Mike and Stu will realize they will never truly have peace so long as they're afraid Sweet Tooth is out there. This will motivate them to get involved in Twisted Metal.

Harold the Happy Lunch Sack will "die."
We'll get a Tear Jerker montage similar to the one where Evelyn was destroyed that's played completely straight.
