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WMG / The World of David the Gnome

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Susan eventually married Prince Rex.
It just seems to be really sweet idea and gnomes don't seem to be that formal.

David and Judge Klaus have only forty-year agecap.
By looking at the flashback in the final Wisdom of Gnomes, David doesn't look as old as he was in is own series.
  • Klaus is 350 canonically, around 50 years younger than David.

Swift was orphaned as a kit and David "adopted" him.
It was in the English dub only that Swift is Nimble's kit.

Years later after Nimble's death David found an orphaned fox kit and named him Swift. The rest is history.

David and Lisa addressing the “fourth wall” is a symptom of early onset dementia.

They’re just talking to a wall, imagining they have an audience to pass their knowledge onto before their deaths, which they knew was going to be soon. You can already see the condition getting worse in the final episode.

  • Kind of confirmed? The book does mention that when gnomes are in their 390's, memory and overall health starts to get worse and worse. Other gnomes still do respect them.

The narration footage from the first episode was removed from the Finnish version simply because it was outdated footage.

The series was already 13 years old when it was shown in Finland, so it is more likely.
