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WMG / The Noddy Shop

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Johnny Crawfish, Whiny and Whimper were humans who were turned into their current forms by the goblins, who were either members of the same family or best friends.
One of the songs is about Johnny's first childhood experience with the tooth fairy (which happens when children are usually five or six), and he mentions having a mother who taught him about her. In the same song, Whiny and Whimper sing with him, with one line mentioning their wish to grow up and have kids who will experience the magic for themselves. On the Johnny side of things, another song has him mention that he doesn't have the ability to tell the time, which is something many young kids can't do. As for Whiny and Whimper, the episode "Skunked" has them mistake a skunk smell for "having an accident", meaning that they do not use diapers anymore and are potty-trained. Babies like the dolls they represent usually aren't toilet-trained, but toddlers are. This could mean that these three characters were once normal human children with parents, with Johnny having a fondness for playing the piano and joke-telling like his crawfish form and Whiny and Whimper being toddler siblings. One day, the trio stumbled upon the goblins and thought they were strange fairy or dwarf-like creatures. They chased them into NODDY's, but the goblins turned out to be mad at them for doing this, so they turned Johnny into a crawfish and the two toddlers into baby dolls with their magic. The crawfish form of Johnny kept the outfit he wore when he was last seen as human, which given how fancy the outfit is, was probably worn to a special occasion, while the babies turned into younger versions of themselves. Noah saw the goblins and locked them in a box, but thought the transformed Johnny was a pet and the baby dolls were a "new delivery" for the shop, which resulted in Noah putting Johnny in the aquarium where he resides and giving the Crybabies a place in the shop. This incident is responsible for the other toys freaking out about the goblins, as they worried they could suffer a similar fate to Johnny, Whiny and Whimper.

Noah and Agatha are orphans.
This could explain why their parents aren't mentioned and why Noah spent so much time there as a child.

Noah's father owned NODDY's.
This explains him being there a lot as a child and how he knew he would one day own the shop.

NODDY's doesn't exist.
It's just a metaphor for childhood innocence.

Noah is in a nursing home.
What the audience sees is everything that is in Noah's head.

  • The segments with real people are actual real people that Noah interacts with:
    • Agatha's really his sister
    • Kate and Truman are his grandkids.
    • DJ is also Noah's grandson, but Noah did not like him, hence why he imagines him as just Kate's friend.
    • Charlene Von Pickings is the nursing home director who only comes in occasionally. Explains her attitude and limited appeareances.
    • April May: A handler of therapy animals. Noah pretends that the animals are more exotic.
    • Officer Spiffy: The security guard in charge of Noah's wing.
    • Hilda Sweetly: Noah's favorite cafe worker.
  • The toys are memories of Noah's life that he recounts:
    • Warloworth: A kid Noah went to school with who used to bully him a lot. He did this by pulling mean spirited pranks on him and his classmates.
    • Granny Duck: Noah's grandmother who has long passed.
    • Bonita: A woman Noah met while abroad. (probably in Central/South America)
    • Sherman and Rusty: Two of Noah's best friends from sea
    • Johnny Crawfish: Noah's memories of his favorite show, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.
    • Gertie Gator: A motown singer that Noah met while abroad.
    • Whiny and Whimper: The mother of Truman and Kate aborted their first child. This explains why there is both a male and a female baby.
    • Gaylord Gumball: Noah's grandfather and husband of Granny Duck
    • Island Princess: Noah's mother
    • Any one shot character (examples: Disrupto, Angelina): A visitor to the nursing home.
    • Planet Pup: Noah's dog that he had as a child
  • Noddy's Toyland Adventures segments: This works very similar to how it does in the actual story. Noah has a series of miniatures that he uses to tell stories.
  • The goblins are the nurses that come in every day to care for Noah. This explains why they're antagonists.

Boobull is adopted.
It explains why he is nothing like his parents, as he was probably only half goblin. Only one of his biological parents was a goblin the other was a human. It explains why he only has the goblin looks and magic abilities but doesn't act in a mischevious way. It also explains why he was able to become a human for a day one episode.

NODDY's is a front for organized crime.
It explains Noah's family being so interconnected. It could also explain why Agatha is always there to see the kids and not the other way around. She is there for other reasons (smuggling drugs inside her hat). For most of the series, the shop survives with hardly any customers.

Noah captured the goblins when he was a child

The toys are cursed
If anyone finds out they can move, they will turn into inanimate objects like the items in the Beauty and the Beast Remake. It is likely the goblins cast the spell on the toys long ago, likely before Noah was a child.
  • Probably not, at least not in that way. As I pointed out in the Headscratchers page, Truman has often seen the toys live, and so did Kate and DJ in "Think Big" (although their memories of the experience were wiped afterwards), and Truman's comments in that episode imply that he has told them the toys could talk, but they never believed him. Furthermore, Noah states in the first episode that he knows the toys come to life, but probably has not seen them do so since he was a child (the response to the question I posed on the Headscratchers page gives a possible reason why). So if Noah and Truman has known for a while that the toys are alive, and they haven't turned inanimate yet, then they're probably not cursed in that way.
There is a spiritual portal in the shop
It would explain all the spiritual beings that visit. It would also explain the toys talking, the goblins, and all the other strangeness. The toys are likely inhabited by ghosts of some other types of spirits.
