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WMG / The Logomancer

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Like Ardus' future novel, "The Tower of Ideals" is a warped version of real events that Ardus forgot his conscious involvement in.
In the opening scene, the Composer references a "Tower", with the capital letter and everything. (Will also mentions a capital-T Tower when recounting Zastari's life.) The Composer also references Ardus' talents as a writer, and says he can always trust the words on the page — and at that point, the only "words on the page" are in Ardus' manuscript. There's also Malebaldur's involvement in the final gauntlet, and the mention that Cynthia and Sylvanne look identical. All of this points to Ardus having been involved in another abyssal fragment problem prior to the events of the game, or at least something that wiped his conscious memories of the event. "The Tower of Ideals" is likely a very warped version of what went on since Ardus mentioned changing things a lot from his initial concept, but it's possible it has some basis in fact.

This would also make the discussions about prequels Hilarious in Hindsight, if "The Tower of Ideals" is itself a prequel to this game.
