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WMG / Tanz der Vampire

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Sarah's dress was red for a reason
  • In the bathtub, she tells Alfred, "Tonight, I'm coming out". This may be a reference to debutante balls (look it up on The Other Wiki if you don't know what they are)- her outfit even looks like one, a Pimped-Out Dress with a wide skirt and High-Class Gloves. But whereas a debutante dress is white, to symbolise virginity, her dress is red- the colour of blood and sex, coming out into vampirism and adulthood. After all, Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory.
    • A caveat: Sarah's dress in the original movie is of a shabby and faded look, with muted red and a grayish-white. The dress stays red through all productions, barring the Czech one (where it is pure white with red trim) and the Danish one (where it is all black). The Hungarian production ditches the opera gloves from the dress in Kentaur's design, though.

The vampires don't take over the world
  • What evidence is there that they're immune to sunlight now? And anyway, Professor Abronsius had a good chance of escaping and sharing his research with the world to contain the vampire threat. Think of things we might build to stop them, considering that Humans Are Warriors. Stake cannons, UV rays, infantry with regular stakes, crucifix projectors (although they won't work on Chagal or Sarah)...
    • The Revival in 2011, does suggests that Abronsius ends up dead lost in the mountains.
