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The Rouge in this comic is not the real Rouge

The real Rouge was kidnapped by this impersonator, who masqueraded as her to ruin her reputaion in the comic's universe. It is most likely that she is in fact a Drakon in disguise, but there are other possibilites.

  • This Rouge is really a Predacon who scanned the real Rouge.
  • Rouge is a Kraang
  • This Rouge is really a member of Shayde's species who copied Rouge's identity and transported her to the Shadow Dimension.
    • Jossed because of the original comics. The Shadow Dimension was destroyed when Sonic and Johnny destroyed its emerald. If "Rouge" was a Shayde, then she wouldn't even appear on Mobius.

Dr. Robotnik will eventually get Bored with Insanity.
  • Somewhat confirmed in the latest issue. Robotnik has recently regained his sanity after his attack on Cyberspace.
  • And instead of going after big targets, he seems to want to regain what he once had since he has been after Tekno and Shorty a lot, so while no longer insane, he is kind of acting like a spoiled brat, that granted he always was, but not to this extent.
  • Ultimately confirmed in Exit: Sonic. Robotnik reveals that he was faking his insanity the whole time and that Grimer was in on the plot.

Exit: Sonic is all about the need to understand, accept and balance the worst elements of ourselves.
  • It's revealed that Super Sonic isn't truly a separate entity, but a personification of the worst parts of Sonic. This includes self-loathing - which is why Super Sonic always wanted Sonic dead - and Sonic's own inability to realize that. The only way to truly defeat him was to fully integrate him back into Sonic. This explains Kintobor's behavior in the epilogue. Faced with a new digital copy of the worst of himself, all he can do is accept it.

Among the people Tekno has helping her with the Niceniks are B.A.R.F.
The Badnik Army Repair Functionaries are experts at repairing Badniks, so Cam and Bert could be helping Tekno by repairing the Niceniks.
