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WMG / Sidekick Girl

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Isauro will eventually become a hero...

By hooking up with Father Mark's organization and becoming a "holy warrior." Which will probably lead to a "nobody leaves 'The Family'" fight featuring Villain Agency vs. Isauro, his new Church allies and Val & co.

Father Mark will marry Isauro. To Valerie, you perverts!
This will allow Isauro to escape his Trapped in Villainy status.
  • The only reason Isauro is working for the villain agency is because he's wanted for terrorism in Mexico and his visa is tied to the Agency. However, if he marries an American citizen he will no longer need the Agency visa, and will be able to leave their service.

Isauro will join the Hero Agency as a hero and take Val as his sidekick.
  • He's got the appropriate build, a hell of a tragic backstory, and he's foreign and an ethnic minority, which given the way the Agency seems to work would be worth a ton of credit.
    • Plus, this will allow him to promote Val to full hero, though there may be a waiting period before he can pull it off.

Val is aware of Jasper's crush on her...
  • And accidentally-on-purpose told him and Hazel about their alternate-future counterparts' relationship for the purpose of distracting him from obsessing over her (and from his increasing hostility towards Isauro).

Illumina made hero because of her tragic backstory

  • Child struggling to live up to the legacy of her superheroic parents? Family torn apart by the death of one of the members? Hero's parents actions basically told her that they would rather her have died? That's really tragic right there, and we all know the Agency loves tragic backstories.
    • As a corollary, this is also why Sparkle failed. She had the looks, but she she was a total bitch and she didn't have a backstory as tragic as Illumina's to make up for it.

Val has a high alcohol tolerance because her liver regenerates like the rest of her

Illumina is the Sidekick Girl universe's version of Saitama
  • Both times she's gotten into physical fights, she ended them with one punch. She has the potential to be just as invincible as Saitama, but her lack of self-esteem means that she's never tried to push her limits (unlike Saitama), and so she doesn't know just how strong she really is.
