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WMG / Showgirls

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Nomi is a goddess
Specifically, she is Eris, the goddess of chaos and strife. She appears seemingly from nowhere, and everything she does seems to sow discord wherever she goes, yet everybody is drawn to her. It's as though she can magically cause people around her to act crazy. She exploits the people around her, yet brings them nothing but ruin, but nobody holds anything against her. Then at the end she is picked up by the same driver who brought her into town (probably Hermes), and goes off to sow chaos elsewhere.

This is a prequel/sister story to Total Recall (1990)
Is Nomi / "No Me" really the center of a story we are mean to take as real life, or was she implanted with this insane sex adventure? You have to admit some of the acting and women's reactions to sexual come-ons is directly out of the mutant bar "The Last Resort".

"Zack Carey" is an alias for the Doppelganger
Agent Cooper's evil, Black Lodge-created doppelganger, "Mr. C", has mysterious Las Vegas connections in the form of Duncan Todd. He had to have established those connections at some point, and at a different point after coming out of the Black Lodge, he left Twin Peaks. Who's to say he didn't go down to Vegas sometime around 1992 or 1993 and find it easier to establish himself under a different name? The Doppelganger's callous and cruel attitude towards women (as exemplified by his rapes of Audrey and Diane) certainly falls in line with Zack's treatment of Nomi and his participation in covering up Molly's rape.
