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WMG / Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance

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Jason Shaw is a Dirty Cop working for the Brotherhood
After discovering Ellie's bracelet and asking her to be be his informant, he could be trying to take down the Mercy Park Crew. When Kaneko mentioned a worse criminal gang called the Brotherhood, Jason could even be a member who met Kaneko at the end of Chapter 5, blackmailed him into doing the Brotherhood's bidding, and threatened to kill the rest of the MPC if Kaneko doesn't do what he wants.
  • Confirmed in Chapter 12. While Jason isn't the man who met Kaneko in the alley, he is one of their members. The Brotherhood informant Ellie and Jason rescued called the latter Shaw, and he revealed his true allegiance as a member of the Brotherhood after Ellie confronted him about it.

Toby is actually a villain
Think about it. He fixed Ellie's car, he was seen checking someone out during the party at the junk yard, he alone told her of the Mercy Park Crew's move they can't reverse, he went to Riya's house despite not knowing where she lives in the first place (unless he put a tracker on Ellie's car), and he stayed near the MPC's garage when it burned down. Surely it can't be a coincidence that he could be pulling the string from behind the strings.
  • Jossed. In Chapters 15 and 16, he helps the Mercy Park Crew expose the Brotherhood to the FBI and shows no malicious intent in doing so.
