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WMG / Masters of the Universe: Revelation

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Revelation will still keep the past show's Camp, despite the trailer.
  • If this clip is anything to go by, confirmed.
With a scene in the trailer showing Prince Adam making some kind of plea with what appears to be the ancient guardians of Grayskull that came before him, there is speculation that at some point in the first five episodes Adam/He-Man will die and be transported to an 'afterlife' of such where he will discover the true origins of the universe. Adam will then convince the Grayskull guardians to send him back to Eternia one last time to help save the planet before 'everyone else dies'.
  • Confirmed. This happens.

Adam survives or comes back again.
  • Still being the hero as Kevin said, taking the power to become He-Man back.
    • Confirmed.

Orko isn't actually dead.
  • Not only was there no body shown, with Orko and Scare Glow both simply disappearing in a flash of light, the phrasing of Orko's spell ("go back to your shadow") implies that it was a teleportation spell of sorts, and Orko simply got caught in the crossfire due to Scare Glow holding on to him. There's also the fact that Orko's full name was revealed to be Oracle in the very same episode, and a character in the 2002 series called the Oracle of Zalesia has often been theorized to be a time-displaced Orko - perhaps the spell sent him back in time?
  • Scare Glow was seen fighting King Randor in Part 2’s trailer and at the end of said trailer a red and gold stream or whatever coils around Scare Glow’s Axe/Halberd and Orko’s voice ends out the trailer with the words “Oh you guys are in trouble now.” Which means that yes, Orko’s alive and Memory Loss might be a symptom of Magic deprivation in Trollans
    • Confirmed. When Evil-Lyn summons the undead and Scareglow from Subternia, Orko apparently hitched a ride. He's back for the final battle, with a snazzy new white outfit, and more powerful than ever.

Teela will find out Sorceress is her mother, will eventually accept and embrace this, and she'll become the new Sorceress.
  • Teela being the Sorceress's daughter has always been a key element of her character, with Duncan almost telling her but was interrupted by Evil-Lyn regarding how short on time they are, and Sorceress comments on how she wanted to see Teela one last time. Teela was tasked with saving magic, and she'll eventually take this to the next level, embracing her heritage, by taking her mother's spot and becoming the new Sorceress, (it's worth noting that Teela becoming the new Sorceress has already happened in at least one iteration of the franchise.) This will likely allow her to give Adam power, perhaps a power all his own without having to rely on Grayskull's power, which will enable He-Man to have the power to take on Skeletor even as the villain is wielding Grayskull's power.
    • Should this happen, Teela would be a snake-themed Sorceress, as it's been shown in other media. This would possibly allow for the Snake Men to be brought in, loyal to Teela as opposed to their ruler, King Hiss, and they would be a valuable asset to take on the forces of Skeletor.
    • Partly confirmed. Teela does find out that the Sorceress is her mother, and takes up the mantle of the Sorceress, but she retains the bird motif, and Adam actually regains the power without her help — instead Orko manages to snatch the Power Sword and return it to him.
    • In Revolution, when using Ka magic, Teela does gain a form similar to the snake-themed Goddess.

A civil war is brewing in Eternia
  • At the start of the series, Randor appears to be a generally well-regarded ruler. But there's one weak point in any feudal government: the succession. With Adora either missing for so long that most people have forgotten she existed or possibly just plain Ret-Gone in this continuity, Randor only has one heir, and his Queen is likely past childbearing age or close to it. The lack of a spare would make some people nervous under normal circumstances, but Eternia is more or less constantly at war against Skeletor, which means that they'd want a strong heir ready to take over if something happens to the king. Unfortunately, all of Adam's noteworthy achievements have been performed under an alias. So the Crown Prince isn't seen as a warrior, a leader, an administrator, a judge, a diplomat, or a scholar. He's just seen as a useless cowardly wastrel. Half the court likely believes that Adam taking the throne after Randor's death will likely be a disaster.
    Then Episode 1 happens, and Adam is either dead or missing and presumed dead (depending on whether or not Adam's double life is publicly revealed). Randor goes from having a questionable heir to having no heir at all. On top of that, the Captain of the Guard is relieved of his post in disgrace, and his chosen successor resigns on the same night. This is followed by the ecological/cultural catastrophe of magic starting to fade, and Skeletor's death not bringing peace because Tri-Klops's Cult of the Motherboard promptly rises to replace him in causing trouble. With all of this happening in rapid succession, Randor doesn't look like a very effective ruler anymore. There may be those seeking to replace him.

Evil-Lyn knows the Sorceress is Teela's mother
  • She was a little too quick to cut off Duncan when he was about to confess that to Teela. She may realize the Sorceress doesn't want Teela to know yet.

Evil-Lyn will end up betraying Skeletor, either as an act of redemption or to replace him in his Big Bad position.
  • Everything seems to indicate that she is going to betray him, but it could perfectly be for a selfish reason, rather than redemption.
    • Confirmed. She instead takes the power of Grayskull for herself and temporarily becomes the new Big Bad.

The return of Evil-Lyn and Beast Man to Skeletor's side is a ruse from the start
  • Evil-Lyn knows the man has flashes of brilliance (esp. after the stunt with hiding in his old staff), but she knows in her gut how bad he is at sustaining them before tripping over his ego and more to the point how utterly incapable he is of the sort of loyalty she glimpsed running with Teela. However, she also knows he is functionally a god at this point, so placing herself in a position to backstab him either in coordination with The Sorceress or for her own long-term gain makes vastly more sense than getting in his face right now. As for Beast Man? Evil-Lyn does not treat him like crap and he recalls Skeletor well enough that if she is pulling something sneaky by not fighting him now, she will need someone to watch her back.
    • I actually had the same thought at that scene, particularly when Beast Man tells Skeletor that "It's good to see you again, my lord." He doesn't sound at all certain about what he's saying, and I took that to mean that he's only rejoining Skeletor's side because Evil-Lyn did. He can tell that she's got a plan.
    • Jossed. Their return wasn't a ruse, though they don't go back to being loyal followers either, and end up betraying him.

Vikor, Wun-Dar, and Kuduk were either friendless orphans or came from abusive/neglectful homes.
  • Prince Adam may not have been big, strong or powerful but he had friends, family, a huge honking castle to live in and a giant cat as a pet. Even if sometimes his friends and family occasionally gave him a hard time, it was out of a place of love. His "lesser" form wasn't all that bad off. The He-Man persona was just a means of keeping his kingdom safe. The other heroes in Preternia never knew love or respect, even from themselves, until they were given strength and power. This is why Adam chose to be himself while the others chose their more powerful forms.
    • Vikor Vulkansen was the son of Vulkan, a chieftain of a barbarian tribe. Vikor was always small, scrawny and too weak to wield a battleax for anymore than gathering firewood. Vikor went out one day to prove his worth as a barbarian warrior by hunting down and killing a night cat, a dangerous animal that was a sworn enemy of those who lived in the wilds. Vikor found a wounded night cat, but decided there was no honor in killing an animal that couldn't fight back. He nursed the night cat back to health and found that it was intelligent and very grateful for Vikor's help. Vikor named it Catamount because it would allow him to ride on its back. He thought his tribe would be impressed when he came in riding a night cat, but he was banished for befriending an enemy instead. Vikor and Catamount made it on their own for awhile. Living in the wilderness, they knew nothing of the death or even much of the life of King Grayskull. When the Goddess appeared to Vikor, he wasn't sure why she was entrusting him with the Sword of He, but he was glad she did when he transformed. He almost never transformed back to his original form.
    • Darwun was abandoned at an orphanage in Tundaria as a baby with not so much as a blanket. He was barely fed and often hired out to work. When he was twelve, he wasn't so much adopted as bought by a baker who wanted a servant. Darwun took it in stride. He'd work hard and dealt fairly with customers, unlike his master who had a tendency to cheat people. Of his tasks, he preferred deliveries as it got him out of the hot bakery, away from the cruel baker and sometimes his customers would give him tips. Darwun was saving up to buy his freedom. He was on his way back from a delivery and about to take a break and eat a loaf he had saved for himself, when he found an old woman fainted by the road. When she told him she hadn't eaten in days, Darwun gave her his bread. The woman turned out to be The Goddess in disguise and she had an important job for him. Upon his transformation, Darwun changed his name to Wun-Dar and never went back.
    • Kuduk Ungol was born into a coven of witches who looked down on her for having a speech impediment that made it hard for her to cast spells. Kuduk had a talent for caring for hunting falcons, who she could signal more easily by whistles than her voice anyway. Kuduk tried endearing herself to the coven by sharing the prey her falcons caught. Usually, she just got a bone thrown at her for her trouble. One day, Kuduk found a wild falcon entangled in a net. She freed it, and was surprised to see it bow to her. The falcon circled Kuduk and seemed to want her to follow it. Kuduk followed the falcon to a grand castle. The falcon was the Goddess in disguise. Kuduk had been chosen to be the guardian of Castle Grayskull and given the ability to do magic without spoken words.

He-Man/Adam will get more screentime in the following season(s).
  • Since he's barely appears in most of the series, this WMG isn't hard to be true!
    • Confirmed.

Skeletor being in Evil-Lyn's wand was messing with her magic even more.
  • Considering every time she was trying to legitimately aid the heroes, her magic suddenly faltered, it would make sense that he was purposefully manipulating her goals.
    • Confirmed. After his return and obtaining the Power of Grayskull he admits to feeding off her like a tick from within the wand-staff, and after gaining enough strength he "whispered to her the winds and witches" that brought her back to Grayskull.

He-Man will be able to use other weapons besides the Sword of Power.
  • Considering the original toy line formerly had He-Man be a Barbarian Hero with large double-bladed battle axe and round shield as his main weapons. Also considering Revelation is already filled with a few Mythology Gags to the toy line and comics. It would be neat to have He-Man expand his arsenal even further.
    • Kind of confirmed? He does briefly use an axe when he tries to transform without using the sword and ends up as an enraged, savage brute, but this is a normal axe that he picks up and he only had it for a few scenes before it breaks.

Scare Glow is Skeletor's long-dead ancestor.
  • It makes sense. As they say, it's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.
    • Jossed While it's still possible that Hav'ok magic has Subternian roots (considering how the ram skull of the Havoc Staff opened the gate, it was likely once the head of a Subternian guardian), Skeletor is confirmed to be Keldor in Revolution, meaning he is actually a descendant of King Grayskull.

The heroes' quest will take them into the borders of Randor's kingdom...
  • ...and it won't be happy reunion. In addition to the bad blood between Randor and Man-At-Arms, and Teela's own conflicting feelings, they'll soon find the kingdom has gone downhill somewhat. Not only are there hardships caused by the loss of magic, and any possible political upheavals caused by the succession crisis (see above), Randor, due to a combination of grief over Adam's death and paranoia over Man-At-Arms' secret keeping, has slowly become more despotic, having guards and Secret Police all over the place, cracking down on even the slightest hint of dissension and treason, resulting in many an innocent citizen being executed, exiled, or imprisoned. Likewise, whomever Randor had to replace Man-At-Arms following the Time Skip is either a) a spineless Yes-Man who's too afraid meet the same fate as his predecessor (if not worse) to call out Randor on his BS, or b) an Evil Advisor who's encouraging Randor's Jumping Off the Slippery Slope for his own ends.
    • It is possible Randor regrets what he said and did in a fit of anger and grief. He may be too proud to apologize to Duncan, but he would gladly eat the last words he said to his son if he were to see him one more time. All things considered, that's a big "if" right there.

All potential Allies and Enemies of characters from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power that could appear in season 2 or in future seasons.
  • Ram Man
  • Lizard Man
  • Fisto
  • Buzz-Off
  • She-Ra/Adora
  • Dree-Elle
  • Yukkers (Now as Adult)
  • Montork
  • Bow
  • Kowl
  • Madame Razz
  • Sorrowful
  • Stratos
  • Strobo
  • Granamyr
  • The Trollans
  • The Tycons
  • The Widgets
  • The Twiggets
  • Hordak
  • Horde Prime
  • Catra
  • Mantenna
  • Scorpia
  • Shadow Weaver
  • Grizzlor
  • Leech
  • General Sunder
  • Daimar the Demon
  • Starchild (Now as Adult)
  • Snoob
  • Wokrapanwooki
  • Squonge
  • Doctor Zoog
  • Kittrina
  • Tycor
  • Sy-Klone
  • Man-E-Faces
  • Mekaneck
  • Sea Hawk
  • Glimmer
  • Queen Angella
  • Broom
  • King Hiss
  • Kobra Khan
  • Rattlor
  • Vultak
  • Entrapta
  • Imp
  • Panthor
  • Faker
  • Fang Man
  • Modulok
  • Perfuma
  • Netossa
  • Mermista
  • Light Hope
  • Flutterina
  • Castaspella
  • Frosta
  • Loo-Kee
  • Huntara
  • Snout Spout
  • Peekablue
  • Swift Wind/Spirit
  • Spritina, Sprag and Sprocker
    • Seeing how we do not know when Queen Marlena left Earth it seems confirmed that she at the very least is part Terran instead of Eternian. We don't know for sure when or more importantly where Adam and possibly Adora if she isn't just not part of this continuity. But if she's not it'd odd to bring the Horde in instead of just sailing your ship after this. It would make sense, especially with the strong Girl Power vibe of both shows Adora getting separated from her family just by coincidence isn't that odd. Magic was leaving Eternia. If we go check on She-Ra and the Princesses of Power they emerged into a universe void of magic. And frankly for all his bluster Horde Prime went down WAY to easy. It wouldn't shock me at all to know that like all villains capable of creating clones his back up plans are labeled A-ZZZ. Hordak is generally billed as more competent than Skeletor and Horde Prime is so far beyond both of them that they don't even think of double teaming him.

If nobody is from the planet they are standing on its entirely plausible they are in the same continuity.

In some future episode of Revelation, the planet Earth will play a very important role and He-Man and his allies will likely travel to Earth.
  • The planet Earth has not had much prominence except for some mentions and the visit of humans in Eternia such as the astronauts Mark Blaze and Andrea Steele from the episode "Visitors from Earth" and the siblings Miguel and Alisha from He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special. It is probable that in some future episode of Revelation, the planet Earth will be threatened by some evil (probably by Skeletor or Skelegod); He-Man and his allies will have to travel to Earth to save her from this evil. It would be something interesting to finally see the arrival of He-Man to planet Earth, the home planet of his mother Queen Marlena.

Skeletor's daughter is one of the villains in She-Ra's Rogue Gallery
Considering Hordak supposedly kidnapped her, she may have grown up to be one of Adora / She-Ra's enemies.

  • Catra
  • Entrapta
  • Scorpia

  • Jossed. It turns out that Skeletor's origin in the prequel comics were just false memories implanted by Hordak when the Horde leader turned first Keldor into Skeletor, therefore Skeletor never even had a daughter.

Sun-Man and the Rulers of the Sun characters will cameo in the future

     Post Episode 10 Spoilers 

Teela will be skirting Inept Mage status for a bit
  • Not Orko tier, as she has clearly picked up on a few utility spells (teleportation, falcon shapeshifting, flight, summon +1 Swiss-Army Weapon, & basic shielding along with some self-buffs) quickly enough and with Adam's help dispelled a massive ongoing Sunder It All spell. However for all that Teela is not a prisoner of Castle Grayskull she will need to spend a lot of time holed up in the libraries and shielded workrooms of same before she risks anything esoteric, subtle, or non-intuitive under combat/emergency conditions (single-target telepathic sendings that do not flatten the recipient, to take a likely example).

There will be consequences for Teela not being bound to the castle
  • Sorceresses being bound to Castle Greyskull has apparently been a thing for centuries. There has to be a reason why beyond nobody before Teela having the nerve to say "nope, don't wanna". Teela's refusal to totally give herself over to the castle could result in her trading ability to wield the power for freedom to use it. Or there could be some things that can only be done from the Castle, which normally isn't a hindrance for Sorceresses because they rarely leave, but for Teela, it means that she needs to be on-call to teleport back to the castle for work reasons 24/7.

She-Ra was fighting Hordak when the magic vanished
Because of that, Hordak and everyone else nearby learned She-Ra's identity. As He-Man feared when he asked She-Ra to keep her identity a secret, everyone (Hordak included) who learned she's Adora figured out he's Adam. Hordak will also berate himself for never suspecting the secret before given his reason to abduct Adora and try to do the same to Adam when the twins were babies.

She-Ra: Princess of Power will have a continuation series showing how Etheria was affected by the events of Revelation
In exchange for Mattel's permission to add elements from Revelation into the She-Ra series, Mattel will be allowed to include She-Ra in Revolution.

The first episode will feature Horde Prime instructing Hordak to start "Operation: Motherboard".
