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WMG / Lost in Random

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Even and Odd will head back to Onecroft
After Even, Odd, Dicey and all the Sixer children escape from Sixtopia, while the Queen sacrifices herself to fight the Dark Lords, it can be assumed that after helping all the kids back to their original homes, Even, Odd and Dicey will being their journey home to Onecroft.
Random is really Wonderland
A magical world with a game motif, ruled by a queen, populated equally by humans and Funny Animals, and operating on its own, at time nonsensical, logic. That's Wonderland in a nutshell.
There will be a sequel?
It's most likely, since Even, Odd and Dicey have escaped a crumbling Sixtopia, due to The Queen battling the Dark Lords after her sister died, along with all the other sixers. So the idea for a sequel game is possible
