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WMG / Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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The peculiar aestethic of the series is caused by a visual Translation Convention.

As noted elsewhere, it is exceedingly unlikely that fashions and architectural styles from the 80s (whether the 1980s or the 1780s) will be in vogue at the end of the 36th century. Also, after 1500 years modern languages that do not go outright extinct along the way are likely to have evolved into something unrecognisable to contemporary ears and eyes. The look of the series is likely intended as a visual shorthand to suggest the character and outlook of the respective society - the Empire is authoritarian, autocratic and militaristic, therefore it looks like Prussia or Imperial Germany. They likely emphasise cultural uniformity, therefore everyone has a "German" name even though it is unlikely that every one of them had "German" ancestors - those who didn't have them to begin with were encouraged or forced to assume such names. The Alliance is supposed to reflect contemporary (for the 1980s) liberal democracies, therefore they look like they do. Their use of Engrish is likely intended to suggest that they are similar in outlook to the "Anglo-saxon" societies of our world, with an emphasis on free enterprise (complete with hints of plutocracy) and a consumerist society. Perhaps the Empire actually looks more like the ones in Warhammer 40000 or Dune, and the Alliance is like the Federation in Star Trek.:It is stated that Felix's name comes from an ancient language.

The Galactic Empire marked the bittersweet return of Prussia.
Given how blatantly Prussian, or at least German, the Empire was modeled, it wouldn't be surprising if a fading, near-dying Gilbert suggested the idea to Rudolf in the first place. Hiding among the military brass, he participates in the Kaiser's campaigns (at the cost of millions of lives). As time passes, he once more becomes rejuvenated, just as he had been in the distant past. Unfortunately, Hungary/Elizaveta had been a victim of World War 3, by then ancient history; it doesn't help that Hungarians apparently are extinct by the 36th Century. Meanwhile, Austria, or someone claiming "descent" from Roderich, is lurking in the shadows, undermining the Reich and unwittingly aided by Reinhard until eventually coming to the fore.
  • Come to think of it, if this is the case, it mirrors in a way Reinhard's coronation. Gilbert would be the premier Nation in the galaxy, and by technicality, the only one. But the ones he'd want to see, Hungary and Austria, not to mention his brother, would have long faded into the dustbin of history.
  • It also wouldn't be surprising if Arle Heinessen turns out to be the Free Planets Alliance himself, faking his death so as to cover up his identity as a Nation and allow his people to pursue democracy. After all, the capital world for the Republicans is named after him.

Reinhard has an allergic reaction to vaginas.
Well, it definitely explains how he randomly got Soap Opera Disease.
  • Hardly, the disease was foreshadowed with him occasionally laid low by inexplicable fevers long before that.
    • Proximity/exposure to Hilde, perhaps?

Job Trunicht was aiming to unite humanity under a constitutional monarchy the whole time.
Knowing that it was only a matter of time until the Empire won, especially after Reinhard took power, Job Trunicht knew that the best way to preserve the future of democracy was not to fight the Empire and make themselves unsympathetic enemies, but to willingly capitulate to the Empire's terms and go about establishing constitutionalism from the inside.
  • He explicitly states on-screen that he will support whichever political system that benefits him personally. He probably would have supported constitutionalism if it would gain him more power and influence.
The series is the distant future of the Universal Century.
The constant squabbles between the Earth Federation and the Spacenoids eventually result in the latter deciding to seek their own destiny in the stars, with the government following up with their own colonization plans. This ironically leads in turn to a golden age of expansion...before stagnation and animosity between the Feddies and the distant colonies results in the rebellion of Sirius and the Galactic Federation, the rise of Rudolf von Goldenbaum (who could be a distant descendant of the Zabis) and ultimately the events of the OVAs themselves. In all that time, mobile suits become obsolete, with the vast distances rendering them all but useless. While Newtypes are gradually dismissed as superstition, although some characters like Ashbey, Yang and even Reinhard suggest that they may still exist.And most of all, the "UC" calendar; having surpassed centuries, the calendar changed the abbreviation's meaning from "Universal Century" to "Universal Calendar" to make more sense.
Star Wars is a distorted/legendary version of LOGH
If you noticed, the Alliance pilots where the same coloured suits as the Rebel pilots in Star Wars. Basically Star Wars has a whole bunch of mythical supernatural elements like the Force and the Jedi are added along with the scale of the Galactic Empire being highly exaggerated.
  • Except that A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back predate the LOGH novels by 5 and 2 years respectively. If anything, it's more likely LOGH was inspired by Star Wars.

Yang Wen-li was in love with Jessica Edwards because of her hair.
I mean, there are the signs everywhere. The undeniable Unresolved Sexual Tension hovering in the air. I first thought so when Yang saw Jessica off at the airport, and there was this weird, tense moment where they both stared at each other, but thought was just me and my Shipping Goggles going wild again. Still, look at their hair. It's practically identical ALL THE TIME, but whenever Jessica's seems to shifts Yang's changes too. They're hairmates, bro.

This is the start of the Dark Age of Technology.
And one day Earth will be repopulated, just before first contact with the mighty Eldar and the terrible Orks.

Oberstein's cybernetic eyes work perfectly
The original ones were defective and had short-lived batteries, but Oberstein noticed they creeped out people and when he could pay for better ones he had them modified to shine red on command.
  • Except they only flash in front of Kircheis that one time and he doesn't even need them to flash to creep people out.

The Lohengramm Dynasty's control over former Alliance territory will not be able to last.
The war between the Empire and the Alliance have lasted for more then a century, that kind of intergenerational mutual hatred is not going to go away even if the conquering national is ruled by a benevolent dictator. Also, consider how the "stabbed in the back" myth in Germany after the end of the First World War resulted in the rise of the Nazis and another world war only two decades later. In the case of the Alliance, the "stab in the back" by the political class even as the military was literally seconds away turning the tide of the entire war was a publicly recognized fact that everyone knows about. And with Yang becoming a national martyr, with Julian and Frederica carrying on his legacy and even establishing their own 'dynasty' of sorts, even with the Iserlohn Republic being dissolved and an end to any organized military resistance, it is unlikely that the bitterness and resentment that the citizens in the former Alliance have will be going away anytime soon. At best, the Empire will be looking at decades of continued insurgency, or at worst, the former Alliance will gain it's independence again and fully radicalize, with galaxy end up being the setting for Nazi Germanyl vs. Imperial Germany.

Kaiser Friedrich IV set up the scene for someone to tear down the Imperial regime and the high nobles, and when Reinhard presented himself as the man who would do it he orchestrated his rise and was planning to make him his heir
Friedrich IV knew of Reinhard's ambitions (including killing him), and gave him promotion after promotion. A bit strange for the man who couldn't be bothered to properly rule the Empire... And he planning to tear down the regime and the High Nobles would explain both his unwillingness to rule and setting up the situation to help Reinhard's rise. In effect, this would solidify Friedrich IV as both The Atoner (for the Goldenbaum Dynasty) and a Graceful Loser (all but setting the stage for Reinhard) in the name of rejuvenating the Empire.

Most members of the Year 730 Mafia were murdered as politically dangerous
The Year 730 Mafia was a group of seven formidable Alliance officers that gave the Imperial Fleet much grief until the death of their leader Bruce Ashbey at the Second Battle of Tiamat, at which point they disbanded and were unable to keep the pressure that was on the verge of conquering the Iserlohn Corridor. Aside for Ashbey and fellow Second Tiamat casualty Vittorio di Bertini, they died at the following ages and for the following causes: John Drinker Cope, killed in battle after an uncharacteristically poor performance (when he was a noteworthy admiral) at Palantia in 751 UC, age 41; Wallace 'Baron' Warwick, former Commander in Chief of the Free Planets Star Fleet forced to retire from politics due corruption in his staff, died of heart attack in 766 UC, age 56; Frederick Jasper, died in a shuttle accident with his wife right after retiring from the military and the post of Commander in Chief in 771, age 61; Fang Tchewling, former Joint Chief of Staff for the Alliance, died of lung embolism (two accidents) in 773, age 63; Alfred Rosas, died of unnatural causes in 788 UC (age 78) right after giving an interview to then-lieutenant commander Yang Wenli, who was investigating allegations that Bruce Ashbey had actually been assassinated.
Given the circumstances of Ashbey's death (killed when his flagship was destroyed by a stray shot during the battlefield clean-up right after a victory so stunning and complete that even Yang's first capture of Iserlohn falls short of matching it), and the deaths started after the controversial Martin Otto von Siegmeister (a former Imperial admiral who defected to the Alliance after putting together a formidable spy network and later shifted his loyalty to Ashbey) allegedly refused treatment for a pneumonia and died...
  • Except the times don't make any sense. None of them died at the height of their influence, save for Ashbey who dies on the battlefield. If outside forces wanted them dead for political reasons, they would have been killed directly after they retired from the military, not when most of them were largely forgotten by the people.

The new Reich will eventually form The Old Commonwealth

It's heavily hinted within the anime and the novels that the new Reich will become a constitunional monarchy as with real life examples.

  • Also from the various galactic maps the FPA and the GI teritory doesn't cover the whole Galaxy and in the A Symphony of Eternity books the Old Commonwealth encountered the Empire after several centuries of exploration.
    • Aliens are noticably absent in the LOGH story an in the ASOE books the OC also does not encounter non-human sentient life for centuries.

The universe of Legend of Galactic Heroes is essentially another Alternate Universe of Star Trek Mirror Universe

Warp Travel,an Empire (replaced Terran Empire), but with larger fleets and better ground forces and a more realistic setting but so far, no extra-terrestials were discovered yet, it could also be that there are Navigation Corridors similar to Iserlohln and Fezzan which prevent the Vulcans and other races from the main Trekverse from making first contact with humans.

Maybe the first contact will happen in the future,after the finale of the main series,If it happen with a Star Trek race, then the unified Neue Reich would be further strengthened, the Empire will become a Constitutional Monarchy and they might reach their hands to offer the less advanced races like Vulcans and other Federation species of the Star Trek Universe to become the part of the New Galactic Empire (and then the name itself would turned true to its meaning).

Die Neue These will have different ending than both books and OVA

Ending will give new spin on themes of series, explaining the title.

<<|Wild Mass Guessing|>>
