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WMG / Kid Cosmic

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Possible powers for the other eight Stones of Power and who it’ll go to.
  • Super-Strength- will go to the short biker lady.
  • Playing with Fire- will go to the chef at the diner.
  • Green Thumb- Rosa’s mother or father.
  • Healing Factor- will go to Chuck, which will allow him to regenerate his legs... and be subject to far more comical injuries thanks to it.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting- will actually go to Kid who will use it alongside his original power stone. Though, he'll initially struggle to figure out how to transform into anything useful.
  • Super-Speed- will go to Chuck, since he has no legs.
  • Telepathy - will be a shared stone by Rosa's parents.
  • Back from the Dead - will be given to Kid Cosmic
  • Healing Hands - will go to Flo
  • Time Travel - will go to Tuna Sandwich. Due to his experiences with the Future Sight stone, Tuna can use the Time Travel stone to prevent bad events from the past from happening.

    • Fire and Super-Speed confirmed. Shapeshifting partially confirmed. It only shifts you to goo, but yes, Kid did end up with it.
    • Healing Factor confirmed in Season 3. It was on Papa G's necklace this whole time.

The Kid Cosmic universe is set in the same world as Wander over Yonder.
Because why not? Several aliens also remind me of that show. In particular, the red robot reminds me of the Dominator-Bots.

Erodius Is the boss of all these alien invaders.
Think about it. How would anyone know about the stones and their powers? I'm pretty sure that those five aliens who survived the destruction of their planets would keep the stones of power secret unless Erodius told every evil alien invader about the powers of the stones and told them he would allow them to hunt down the stones if they served for him.
  • Jossed. Erodius had nothing to do with them.

Erodius will be an Expy/Parody of Thanos.
Both are powerful beings hunting down a set of mystical stones and more parallels will emerge once Erodius appears onscreen. Erodius will also possess a device similar to the Infinity Gauntlet which will let him use all the stones at once without being overwhelmed like Kid was.
  • Kind of. The Thanos expy is revealed to be Fantos, who happens to be a total Erodius fanboy.

Tuna is going to lose his translator in the second season.
It would possibly be a point of drama, because now everyone is unable to tell what the resident seer is saying.

The other survivors will turn out to have undergone a Disney Death
For one, not only did we not see them die, it's possible that Xhan escaped when it looked like Erodius was about to deliver the killing blow and assumed the worst. Perhaps somewhere in Season 2, the Local Heroes will discover that they were actually imprisoned by Erodius.

Papa G is immortal
Picture in Flo' dinner from Kid Cosmic and the Big Win show Papa G doesn't seem to have aged a day since Flo was just a little kid and Biker in Black described his file as surprisingly long - most seem to have taken it as an indicator of a very long list of ways he managed to get on the government's bad side but it could also be Biker was really surprised how long Papa G has been alive.
  • Maybe he's an alien in disguise. Or just Wander.
  • Somewhat confirmed. As revealed in Season 3, he is 112 years old, thanks to the 14th stone on his necklace.

There will be an alien resistance in Season 2 comprised of aliens that were attacked by Erodious
During Season 2 there will be this group of alien rebels who want to take the Stones of Power and use them to defeat Erodious and this will put them in conflict with Kid Cosmic but the two groups will form an alliance since they both want to defeat Erodious. Here are some ideas for the the rebels.

The leader. A member of Xhan's species who is orange. She's very smart and knows how to make the right choice.

The Smart Guy. A intelligent member of Meep's species that was a celebrated genius on his home planet.

The Muscle. The super strong member of the team.

The Sword-Guy. A member of Gortho's species who is a master of wielding swords.

The Sharpshooter. A alien who's a great sniper.

The Robotic Sharpshooter. A robot who looks like a Dominator robot and is an excellent shot.

The Pilot. A very cheerful alien who is like Charles Calvin from Henry Stickmin. Heck they can be voiced by the same character.

The Stoic. An alien who is a deadpan snarker.

The stones have enhanced versions of the alien’s powers.
  • The stones will be revealed to have enhanced versions of the alien’s powers, like the yellow stone can keep making clones without getting tired or the green stone has stronger telekinesis.
    • Kind of confirmed. They did grant the powers of alien species'.

The Earth Force Enforcement Force will return.
  • They'll somehow get involved in the events of Season 2 and will try to be genuine heroes in an attempt to make up for their actions in Season 1.
    • They might go to space to protect innocent aliens and renamed themselves “Star Force Enforcement Force” along with new upgraded armour.
  • Jossed. Good chance of them showing up in Season 3 however.

At some point, we will get to see a Zbornak.

Kid is named after his dad.
He may have even gone by "Junior." After the accident he refused to answer to it. Papa G adapted by calling him "kid" and the nickname stuck. The other townspeople figured out pretty quickly that calling him by his given name would make him melt down, so "Kid" and "the kid" are now the only thing anyone calls him.

The UPX Driver will return.
Considering that his ship crashing on Earth with the stones is what drove the show's plot into motion, and that the Driver intended the stones to be a Birthday present for his daughter, it would make since for the UPX Driver to show up again.
  • Confirmed. Carlax indeed returns in Season 2.

“Erodius” is actually Lord dominator under a new identity and name.
  • After being defeated in the finale, she went into hiding and later continued destroying planets but this time she crafted a new identity and name for herself so nobody knows it's her.
    • Jossed. There is a Dominator Expy that shows up, though, and let's just say she's twice the woman Dominator was.

The antagonist will blackmail Kid Cosmic into giving them the stones by threatening to kill Papa G
  • Kind of reversed. He threatens Kid to get everyone else to give up their stones.

2 characters obviously meant to be Wander and Sylvia will assist the Local Heroes in the second season.

Erodius will end up being a (misguided) Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • 99% Jossed. While you can definitely argue that Erodius isn't evil, per se, you can't really say he has good intentions.

Season 2 will take place during the summer.
If you recall in season 1 finale, Queen Xhan transported Kid and his friends, along with the diner into space. But you also remember that Kid is around 9 years old, and Jo is a teenager, and both should be in school. So to remedy this issue, the second season will take place during summer break. Once Kid and the gang defeat Erodius by the season finale, the heroes will return to Earth around late August, or early September. That way, Kid and Jo's friends from school will assume that they're just on vacation.

In Season 2, Fantos will threaten to hurt one of the heroes if Jo doesn't hand over the Cosmic Stones
During the climax of the season, Fantos will capture one of the heroes, most likely Kid, and tells Jo that if she doesn't want him to get hurt then she needs to give him the stones, so Jo reluctantly gives them over... and then Fantos hurts Kid anyway just to rub salt in the wound.

They managed save the world by defeating Him, Mojo Jojo and all the supervillains at the cost of their powers. As a result, they transformed into regular humans. They may lose their powers but this doesn’t stop them to their desire to save the world and stopping threats. They train and grew up to become government agents.

Papa G had a falling out with whichever of Kid's parents he sired
During his talk with Flo about her concerns about Jo drifting apart from her, he seemed to speak from experience. Season 3 will go deeper into Papa G's past, and we'll learn that he and Kid's parents got into a fight before Kid was born. After Kid's parents died, he took him in as atonement for pushing his own child away.

Papa G once served in the war.
He's old as hell... probably Vietnam, Korea or even WWII. He's seen weird stuff. He's no stranger to death. He's likely lost a lot of friends to the fighting, or PTSD/other health issues that cropped up years/decades later, or just plain ol' old age. That may be why seeing/hearing dozens of clones of himself killed by rogue aliens and monster devil-dogs doesn't phase him. An old soldier "get[s] used to it", indeed.

Papa G will die in season 3 by pulling a Heroic Sacrifice to save his grandson and the galaxy.
He would tell Flo to take care of Kid when he's gone.
  • Teased, but ultimately jossed. He pulls a sacrifice, but this only brings him to mortality over death.

Biker in Black will be the final Big Bad.
  • He will be running a rogue cell trying to gather the Stones around the world.
    • The Season 3 trailer does confirm that he'll appear as an antagonist. This however, is part of the fantasy world.

The 14th ring is copying powers.
Jossed, the 14th stone is Healing Factor.

Kid will grow up to marry Dominator from Wander Over Yonder.
He did call the ruthless two-headed new mafia leader who killed their last lover "really cool", so, why not?

Flo will become Kid’s guardian once Papa G passes away.
It's clear that being 112 years old and after his Heroic Sacrifice of giving up the fourteenth stone, Papa G won't have much time left. With Kid still too young to care for himself, Flo, being the next closest thing to a parental figure for him, may already be arranging plans to adopt him.

Papa G's long-term exposure to the fourteenth stone has had a permanent effect on his descendants.
Maybe not Kid's parents, but in season 3 episode 5, Fantos drops Kid from a pretty great height onto rocks after taking the telekinesis stone. Kid doesn't seem to be hurt after this, or even in pain as he immediately searches the rubble for Papa G. It's not the pain absorption stone, but it does keep Papa G alive and he doesn't seem to be in pain from being buried under the rubble too.
